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By Circo

Nintendo Switch Video Snaps Updated (3,520 Videos)

Today we dropped some new video snaps for the Nintendo Switch. The set is now at 3,520 videos covering hopefully most of what people need. There is an almost unlimited amount of games (shovelware) for this system.  I think the total is now somewhere north of 16,000 games in the library. So here is what we are asking, if you are still missing some videos for installed games or find an error, please let us know in the EmuMovies request section on the forums and we can prioritize those videos on the next round. 
Here is the list of whats available now.
[File List] EmuMovies Nintendo Switch Video Snaps (EM 0.3).txt
Videos are now available via EmuMovies Sync and on our FTP server in HD and HQ formats
By Circo

Nintendo 3DS Video Snaps Updated (73 New Videos)

Happy Easter Everyone!  We have an update for the Nintendo 3DS today, version 1.1.  73 new video snaps havce been added bringing the full set to 583 video snaps.  Big thanks to @RLBradders26 and @drewby for helping out with the recordings.  Video Snaps are currently available via EmuMovies Sync and the EmuMovies FTPs.  Videos are in HD and HQ versions. 
Our next release has been cooking for awhile, we are working towards are first big Nintendo Switch video snaps release.  Progress is being uploaded every couple of days to the FTPs and 1.0 should be ready by the end of April.  Feel free to take a peek if you are curious.
Download directly through your front-end or our app using EmuMovies Sync (HD & HQ) EmuMovies File Server (FTP) (HD & HQ) View all our updates on the EmuMovies Files Feed   (We only post a handful in the news feed) Follow EmuMovies on Facebook
By Circo

Sony Playstation 3 Video Snaps Update

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone! Wanted to take a minute and share the progress on this years big project.  Today I uploaded another 250 videos and we are now over the 80% mark.  As it currently stands we have recorded and edited 1683/2048 Video Snaps and should finish in Q1 2024.  To make this set the team here used 2 PS3's to capture cards.  Currently all released videos are ready to download via EmuMovies Sync and the EmuMovies FTP in HD and HQ formats.
If you would like to check our progress here is a link to the google sheet
Download directly through your front-end or our app using EmuMovies Sync (HD & HQ) EmuMovies File Server (FTP) (D & HQ) View all our updates on the EmuMovies Files Feed   (We only post a handful in the news feed) Follow EmuMovies on Facebook Join EmuMovies on Discord  
By Circo

Microsoft Windows (PC Games) Video Snaps Updated (979 Videos)

Happy to announce that our library of video snaps for Microsoft Windows has increased by 979 new videos bringing the set to 6,844 video snaps in total.  These were all user submissions, trimmed as needed and audio levels normalized. Thanks go out to users @kim_sama98, @ray572, @sebas78, @wiggles, @rubee64, @SonofBeast, @CasperH & @Henstra1989 as well as some anonymous submissions.   Videos are available on the EmuMovies FTP and EmuMovies Sync.
(File List) Microsoft Windows (Video Snaps)(EM 1.6).txt
By Circo

Nintendo 64 Video Snaps Updated to v1.7 (33 New Videos)

Thanks to @DamnedRegistrations for a new update to our Nintendo 64 Video Snap collection.  This update contains 33 new videos bringing the complete video snap set to 413 video snaps.  High Quality video snaps can be downloaded through EmuMovies Sync or the FTP and Standard Quality is available on the Website, EmuMovies Sync and FTP.
What's New (Version 1.7) (33 Videos) @DamnedRegistrations 
64 de Hakken!! Tamagotchi - Minna de Tamagotchi World (Japan).mp4
64 Hanafuda - Tenshi no Yakusoku (Japan).mp4
AI Shougi 3 (Japan).mp4
Bakushou Jinsei 64 - Mezase! Resort Ou (Japan).mp4
Bass Rush - ECOGEAR PowerWorm Championship (Japan).mp4
Chameleon Twist (Japan) (Translated En).mp4
Custom Robo V2 (Japan).mp4
Derby Stallion 64 (Japan).mp4
Goemon - Mononoke Sugoroku (Japan).mp4
Hamster Monogatari 64 (Japan).mp4
Heiwa Pachinko World 64 (Japan).mp4
Ide Yosuke no Mahjong Juku (Japan).mp4
Itoi Shigesato no Bass Tsuri No. 1 Kettei Ban! (Japan).mp4
J.League Tactics Soccer (Japan).mp4
Jikkyou G1 Stable (Japan).mp4
Jinsei Game 64 (Japan).mp4
Kiratto Kaiketsu! 64 Tanteidan (Japan).mp4
Mahjong 64 (Japan).mp4
Mahjong Hourouki Classic (Japan).mp4
Morita Shougi 64 (Japan).mp4
Nushi Tsuri 64 - Shiokaze ni Notte (Japan).mp4
Nushi Tsuri 64 (Japan).mp4
Onegai Monsters (Japan).mp4
Pachinko 365 Nichi (Japan).mp4
Parlor! Pro 64 - Pachinko Jikki Simulation Game (Japan).mp4
PD Ultraman Battle Collection 64 (Japan).mp4
Pro Mahjong Tsuwamono 64 - Jansou Battle ni Chousen (Japan).mp4
Robot Poncots 64 - 7tsu no Umi no Caramel (Japan).mp4
Saikyou Habu Shougi (Japan).mp4
SimCity 2000 (Japan).mp4
Super Mario Bros. 64 (Hack).mp4
Super Robot Taisen 64 (Japan).mp4
Yakouchuu II - Satsujin Kouro (Japan).mp4
(File List) Nintendo 64 (Video Snaps)(EM 1.7).txt
EmuMovies Website (SQ Only) Directly through your front-end or our app using EmuMovies Sync (HQ & SQ) EmuMovies File Server (FTP) (HQ & SQ) View all our updates on the EmuMovies Files Feed   (We only post a handful in the news feed) Follow EmuMovies on Facebook Join EmuMovies on Discord  

Files From Subcategories

  1. SNES - Complete, Accurate USA Retail Box Art Collection

    I created these back when the SNES mini (and Hakchi) came out so the resolution is a bit lower that I wished I would have started this with. With that out of the way, I obsessively ensured the box art is as clean as possible and as accurate to the original box art as possible. Everything has been accounted for to include original misprint oddities such as Dino City's upside down/backwards lower-right stamp. Every single retail-released box art is available and even some customs that I made like Super Mario All-Stars + SMW, taking into account the style of a 1994 first-party box and the orange, white, green fade on the retail cartridge. Anyway, my point is that a great amount of attention to detail was used in creating these.


       (0 reviews)


  2. TurboGrafx-16/CD - Complete, Accurate USA Retail Box Art Collection

    The complete, US TurboGrafx-16 and CD box art collection. All covers have been scrutinized for accuracy to the original print covers. Enjoy🙂


       (1 review)


  3. Sega Saturn Game Manual Pack (USA)

    EmuMovies Official Game Manuals Collection for the Sega Saturn (USA)
    Availability: Site, FTP & Sync
    [File List] Sega Saturn (Game Manuals-USA)(ReDump)(EM 1.4).txt


       (3 reviews)


  4. Sega Saturn Game Manual Pack (Brazil)

    EmuMovies Official Game Manuals Collection for the Sega Saturn (Brazil)
    Availability: Site, FTP & Sync
    [File List] Sega Saturn (Game Manuals-Brazil)(ReDump)(EM 1.4).txt


       (0 reviews)


  5. Sega Saturn Game Manual Pack (Europe)

    EmuMovies Official Game Manuals Collection for the Sega Saturn (Europe)
    Availability: Site, FTP & Sync
    [File List] Sega Saturn (Game Manuals-Europe)(ReDump)(EM 1.4).txt


       (0 reviews)


  6. Sega Saturn Game Manual Pack (Japan)

    EmuMovies Official Game Manuals Collection for the Sega Saturn (USA)
    Availability: Site, FTP & Sync
    [File List] Sega Saturn (Game Manuals-Japan)(ReDump)(EM 1.4).txt


       (0 reviews)


  7. Nintendo 64 Game Manuals Pack (Extras)

    EmuMovies Official Game Manuals Pack for the Nintendo 64
    Availability: Site, FTP & Sync
    [File List] Nintendo 64 (Game Manuals-Extras)(No-Intro)(EM 1.3).txt



       (0 reviews)


  8. Nintendo 64 Game Manuals Pack

    EmuMovies Official Game Manuals Pack for the Nintendo 64
    Availability: Site, FTP & Sync
    [File List] Nintendo 64 (Game Manuals)(No-Intro)(EM 1.3).txt



       (2 reviews)


  9. Sony PlayStation Game Manuals Pack (Extras)

    EmuMovies Official Sony PlayStation Game Manuals Pack (Extras)
    Availability - Site, FTP
    Sony PlayStation (Game Manuals-Extras)(ReDump)(EM 1.4).txt


       (0 reviews)


  10. Sony PlayStation Game Manuals Pack (English)

    EmuMovies Official Manual Collection for the Sony PlayStation
    Availability - Site, FTP & Sync
    Sony PlayStation (Game Manuals)(ReDump)(EM 1.4).txt



       (1 review)


  11. Sony PlayStation Game Manuals Pack (Japan)

    EmuMovies Official Game Manuals Pack For the Sony PlayStation (Japan)
    Availability - Site, FTP
    Sony PlayStation (Game Manuals-Japan)(ReDump)(EM 1.4).txt



       (0 reviews)


  12. Sony PlayStation 2 Game Manuals Pack

    EmuMovies Official Game Manual Collection for the PlayStation 2
    Availability - Site, FTP & Sync
    [File List] Sony PlayStation 2 (Game Manuals)(ReDump)(EM 2.0).txt




       (0 reviews)


  13. Nintendo NES Game Manuals Pack

    EmuMovies Official Game Manual Collection for the Nintendo Entertainment System 
    Availability - Website, FTP & EmuMovies Sync 
    [File List] Nintendo NES (Game Manuals)(No-Intro)(EM 1.4).txt

    If you would like to help make this collection better, please submit missing or replacement media in our Submissions Area
    Upgraded members can also download this collection via our FTP File Server and our EmuMovies Sync application


       (5 reviews)


  14. Super Nintendo Game Manuals Pack

    EmuMovies Official Game Manuals Pack for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System
    Availability: Site, FTP & Sync
    [File List] Super Nintendo (Game Manuals)(No-Intro)(EM 2.0).txt



       (12 reviews)


  15. Super Famicom Game Manuals Pack

    EmuMovies Official Game Manuals Pack for The Nintendo Super Famicom



       (1 review)


  16. Complete Interton VC 4000 Manuals

    The complete 37 manuals for the Interton VC 4000


       (0 reviews)


  17. Magnavox Odyssey 2 Game Manual Collection

    I started with the emumovies 1.0 collection, added in all the non-USA manuals that I could scrape from archive.org, and finally purchased all 47 of the US Magnavox game releases, scanned them in personally from my personal copies and cleaned each and every page up meticulously.  Scans were done at 600 dpi, and descreened down to 300 dpi.  Page size was standardized.  If you print at 100% scaling you will get the actual manual size.  Defects were cleaned.  2 page spreads should print seamlessly.  OCR was done on the PDFs to make them searchable.  All 47 U.S. manuals followed the exact same procedure, so the set is very consistent.  The Master Strategy Manuals include scans of the game boards and overlays and game pieces.  I explicitly give permission to spread these far and wide for non-monetary purposes as long as you don't do anything stupid like password protect the PDF's so they can't be printed (some of the archive.org manuals do that).
    ci2own asked me to reupload this as a single file, so here you go.



       (1 review)


  18. NEC PC Engine Manual Pack

    Game manual pack for the NEC PC Engine, Japan region. See separate entry for NEC TurboGrafx-16 (USA) manuals. 225 manuals in total; I'm trying to track down the missing ones.


       (0 reviews)


  19. NEC TurboGrafx-16 Game Manual Pack

    Game manual pack for the NEC TurboGrafx-16, USA region. See separate entry for NEC PC Engine (Japan) manuals. 94 manuals in total; I'm trying to track down the missing ones.


       (0 reviews)


  20. Sega Genesis / Mega Drive Game Manuals Pack

    EmuMovies Official Game Manual Collection for the Sega Genesis / Mega Drive



       (3 reviews)


  21. Complete Nintendo 64DD Music Pack

    Complete Nintendo 64DD Music Pack
    Volume normalized at 89dB. All intro (blank) have been cut, meaning the music start right away when you navigate the different games. 🙂 Added ID3 Tag + Artwork from (Mini Platform Banner) F-Zero X Expansion Kit (Japan) (En).mp3
    Super Mario 64 (Japan) (Proto).mp3


       (0 reviews)


  22. Complete NEC PC-FX Music Pack

    Complete NEC PC-FX Music Pack
    Volume normalized at 89dB. All intro (blank) have been cut, meaning the music start right away when you navigate the different games. 🙂 Added ID3 Tag + Artwork from (Mini Platform Banner) Dragon Knight 4 (Japan).mp3
    Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki FX (Japan) (Disc A) (Hakua Kaikou).mp3


       (0 reviews)


  23. Complete SNK Neo Geo AES Music Pack

    Complete SNK Neo Geo AES Music Pack 
    Volume normalized at 89dB.
    All intro (blank) have been cut, meaning the music start right away when you navigate the different games. 🙂
    Added ID3 Tag + Artwork from (Mini Platform Banner)


       (0 reviews)


  24. Game Themes Switch Full Animated

    Some full animated switch themes from my collection
    Enjoy !
    Luigi 's Mansion 2HD Sync Labial + FX
    Epic  Theme Alternative ( English and Fr)
    The Channel : http://www.youtube.com/c/PademoniumCinematics
    For support all my project and more content : 
    Last Release on Patreon :


       (0 reviews)


  25. Emerson Arcadia 2001 3D Box Pack

    Emerson Arcadia 2001 3D Box Pack


       (0 reviews)


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