Files From Subcategories
boxes Entex Adventure Vision 3D Box Pack (New Box)
By ci2own
Entex Adventure Vision 3D Box Pack (New Box)
carts Hartung Game Master 3D Carts Pack
By ci2own
Hartung Game Master 3D Carts Pack.
Couldn't find "Finite Zone" image for the card, so i did a custom one. If someone can find a good image, let me know and i will rebuild the cart.
boxes Hartung Game Master 2D Box Pack (Custom)
By ci2own
Hartung Game Master 2D Box Pack (Custom)
bezels Entex Adventure Vision (Game Bezels)
By ci2own
A bezel for each Entex Adventure Vision Game.
carts Bandai WonderSwan Color 3D Carts Pack
By ci2own
Bandai WonderSwan Color 3D Carts Pack
People don't know the needed time to do the media. Thank it costs nothing
boxes Bandai WonderSwan Color 2D Box Pack (Low-Mid Quality)
By ci2own
Bandai WonderSwan 2D Box Pack.
carts Bandai WonderSwan 3D Carts Pack
By ci2own
Bandai WonderSwan 3D Carts Pack
(People don't know the needed time to do the media. Thank it costs nothing)
boxes Bandai WonderSwan 2D Box Pack (Low-Mid Quality)
By ci2own
Bandai WonderSwan 2D Box Pack.
ABeezy's Nintendo Game Boy Advance Carts (USA)
By ABeezy1388
Hey all,
Wanted to share this with everyone. This took me far longer then I had hoped but I am happy with the result. After looking all over the internet there was no complete set for Game Boy Advance carts in a nice matching template... everything was poor quality and skewed images, etc. I took the task of making this set. I have 981 GBA games and this pack includes carts for all but two games that I simply cannot find images for anywhere. This is an NTSC only set. There are 983 files in the download (i think I had a few duplicates as I only made carts for 981 games minus the two missing for a total of 979, leaving 4 "extras" in this pack. If anyone finds those duplicates/extras let me know so I can remove them and re-upload. Also the two games I am missing artwork for are:
Pocket Professor: KwikNotes Volume One Crash & Spyro Superpack_ Spyro Orange_ The Cortex Conspiracy + Crash Bandicoot Purple_ Ripto_s Rampage If anyone finds images for those two please contact me so I can get them added. Also, since I didn't get to verify my games against an "official" list it is possible I am missing some official NTSC games. If I am please also PM me the with what the game is and potentially a link. Looking online at various sources there are some discrepancies on a few releases and if they were NTSC or not. Anyways, enjoy everybody!
Hey everyone, its been a while, and this set has been a long time in the making with on again off again progress. here are all 988 official released NTSC Game Boy Advance front carts. These are all very high-res and I can guarantee are better then any GBA cart set out there currently!. I highly encourage downloading this set and replacing whatever you have. I have named them using the no-intro naming scheme. When dropping these in your Launchbox build there are a few carts that may not auto-load; you will have to manually update your game name in Launchbox using the alternate naming.
I have completely updated my Game Boy Advance cart pack as this is one of the first sets I did and used a vector style template instead of a photo-real one...Looking back, the quality is terrible and the size of each image is way to small. I have gone ahead and redid this set with much higher quality images and created a high resolution cart template, including more accurate colored carts (Pokemon games). This set also better eliminates light sources on the cart itself for better viewing. These files are much larger in both size and dimensions and provide for a better viewing experience so I suggest you download these and delete my old set (or any GBA set you have as this I can promise you this is the best out there).
There are a very small select few carts that have very very very limited/scare images online so if anyone finds any improvements for any of my carts down the line, drop me a DM with a link and I can update. Also, If anyone notices any issues or anything let me know (Especially doing 988 carts... there is always a chance for errors even after double and tipple checking... but they SHOULD be good.) Enjoy!!!!
cartridges Atari Lynx 3D Carts Pack
By ci2own
Atari Lynx 3D Carts Pack
(People doesn't know the needed time to do the media. Thank it costs nothing)
Sega Game Gear (Europe) Unified Platform Video
By RetroNi
This is a Sega Game Gear (Europe) Unified platform video.
boxes Bandai Wonderswan Color (3DBox)
By RGamingOC
New Artworks 3DBox for Hyperspin Bandai Wonderswan Color
3DS 3D Box
By 32assassin
not much to say other than this are 3D box artwork built from official 3DS arwork.
3DS USA Retail Carts
By 32assassin
carts made from USA retail scans for the Nintendo 3ds
I only have USA tittles in my list. this is considered a completed project as I don't plan to collect PAL, JAP or other exclusive tittles for other regions.
if someone likes to take on the task of collecting high quality artwork for the mentioned regions I will be happy to make the carts.
I'm missing two USA tittles. but those are bundles. If I find them I will add them but I don't plan to go out of may way to find them.
Atooi Collection (USA)
DreamWorks Madagascar 3 & The Croods Combo Pack (USA)
NDS custom Carts
By 32assassin
this are custom carts, not a single official cart was added.
I took the box, cropped it and made custom carts. The template is included in the download.
I know their is an official cart released. But those are PAL, JAP and other scans labeled as US files. I deleted
the duplicate and mislabeled files and only ended up with 120 files.
I'm willing to make an official set, I just need labels. I included a video on how easy it is to get official artwork.
1. go to ebay
2. find a game
3. save a picture found on the listing, it does not need to be perfect. You just need a clean, focused image.
4. The perspective of the picture does not matter as the "Perspective Crop Tool" can fix that.
cartridges ABeezy's Nintendo Game Boy Carts (USA)
By ABeezy1388
Hey all,
I am back again with another set of carts! Here are all 501official released NTSC Nintendo Game Boy front carts. These are all high-res and more accurate then what is currently out there (The current set actually uses stretched box arts for a lot of carts and not actual cart art). Also unique to this set compared to wha'ts out there is an actual accurate cart template, correct wording "this side out" on the right of the cart compared to the other set, and each cart has its correct DMG number. I have named them using the no-intro naming scheme. If you use Launchbox, when dropping these in your Launchbox build there are a handful that may not auto-load; you will have to manually update your game name in Launchbox. (Now with alternate naming this should correct any issues hopefully.)
If anyone notices any issues or anything let me know (Especially doing 501 carts... there potentially could be an error with a DMG number but they SHOULD be good.) Enjoy!!!!
(File List) Nintendo Game Boy (2D Carts)(ABeezy1388 1.0).txt