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MAME 166 Video Snap Update *Still Going*


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  • 2 weeks later...

Psst Circo MAME 0.149 is out I will have a nice updated list for you later today. :)
Videos that need to be redone or missing using mame149.
30test - redo artwork has been applied. Attached a snap shot of it.
astinvad - redo sound is corrupt on UFO when coming down and needs own video
attackfc - missing
ballboy - needs own video
beastf - needs own video
bullsdrtg - needs own video
cgold - missing - Can you shoot me the inst link again? Caribbean Gold needs some trivial input changes, as currently it has a logic door error on boot, however if you hit the coin input the error goes away and allows you to key in to perform a memory reset and finally coin up.
cgold2 - missing - Can you shoot me the inst link again?
crystalc - missing
deltrace - maybe needs own video with the new artwork and crop it. http://mrdo.mameworl...e.php?p=10#here So there will be 3 different artwork for the parent and 2 clones. http://mrdo.mameworl...egrace0001.png
dorunrun - redo bad video
fhunter - missing
fruitpc - missing
fshark - redo shadows of the planes keep disappearing
gaplus - redo needs own video it shows galaga 3 in the video title screen. Just rename this to galaga3a, galaga3, galaga3b, galaga3c, and galaga3m and make gaplus own video.148u3: Any and The Dumping Union added clone Gaplus (GP2). system11 added clone Galaga 3 (GP3). Corrected some issues between Galaga 3 & Gaplus sets [brian Troha]. Changed clone 'Gaplus (rev. B)' to parent 'Gaplus (GP2 rev. B)', 'Gaplus (rev. D)' to clone 'Galaga 3 (GP3 rev. D)' and clones 'Gaplus (alternate hardware)' to 'Gaplus (GP2 rev D, alternate hardware)', 'Galaga 3 (rev. C)' to 'Galaga 3 (GP3 rev. C)', 'Galaga 3 (set 2)' to 'Galaga 3 (set 4)' and 'Galaga 3 (set 3)' to 'Galaga 3 (set 5)'. Renamed (galaga3a) to (galaga3c), (galaga3) to (galaga3a), (gaplus) to (galaga3), (gapluso) to (gaplus) and (gaplusa) to (gaplusd).
gluck2 - missing
invadpt2 - redo video has no game sound.
invadpt2br - redo video has no game sound.
jankenmn - redo add full artwork and rotate to make video. http://mrdo.mameworl...me.php?p=7#here  http://mrdo.mameworld.info/mame_artwork/jankenmn.png
kosmokil - redo sound is corrupt on UFO when coming down and needs own video
lacrazyc - missing
lagirl - needs own video has different graphics then parent.
landbrk - redo no game sound in video
looping - redo no sound in video  0.148u5: Replaced TMS5220N sound with TMS5220. - 0.147: Updated Looping driver to use the new TMS52xx device implementation [Osso]. Replaced TMS5220 sound with TMS5220N.
mach3 - redo the video keeps flashing I thought I was going to have a epilepsy seizure :)
nightrai - missing
omegrace2 - redo with blue background and crop artwork. http://mrdo.mameworl...megrace0002.png
pacappsp - redo video is corrupt and I just played the game and it looks fine using mame148u3
pacuman - needs own video
pc_bload - missing
pokermon - missing
popobear - redo use mame148u3 or newer to make video. Graphics are corrupt in the video.
puzznic - redo has wrong video for the game.
quiz - redo wrong colors
rcirculet - redo need to apply artwork
rdft - redo shadows keep disappearing and reappearing
rdft2 - redo shadows keep disappearing and reappearing
rfjet - redo shadows keep disappearing and reappearing
roul - missing artwork. Just use the artwork for re900 and rename to roul.
royale - missing
ryorioh - redo fixed colors
sexappl - missing
sharkatt - redo missing samples. Get it here http://samples.mameworld.info/ and would recommend grabbing the full size one.
smooncrs - redo needs own video
snowbro3 - missing
spacezap - Video still looks wrong. Redo needs artwork overlay. Make sure you go in game configuration and select Black/White and then go in video options and select upright artwork and crop it and also disable bezel to make video. Get the artwork here. http://mrdo.mameworl...e.php?p=14#here
spacfury - redo has limited sound they fixed it in 142u1: Added 'Sega Speech Sound Board'.
spooky - missing
sprglbpg - needs own video
stadhr96 - redo use mame148u3 or newer to make video. They fixed the clipping graphics in mame148u2.
stadhr96j - redo use mame148u3 or newer to make video. They fixed the clipping graphics in mame148u2.
stuntair - missing
superten - missing
suprgolf - redo bad video
survival - redo corrupt sound
timefgtr - missing
top21 - missing
topgear - redo no game play. http://www.mamedev.o...:Games#Top_Gear
touryuu -  0.146u2: Tim Schuerewegen added proper mahjong panel inputs to Touryuumon. Game is fully working other than the initial boot reset (that needs default NVRAM). - I just see a dragon and game is around 5-10 fps - Circo Just skip this until mametesters is back up.
turbo - redo no game sound in video
twcup98 - redo the video is way to fast. I know the game runs slow but I think the video should show it that way.
usgames - missing
videtron - missing
wmg - missing

xtheball - redo video has no sound
zooo - missing

Edited by joe35car
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Yeah I agree with joe, I wouldn't include those in the MAME set as well because they aren't and never were part of MAME. Maybe create a new HBMAME folder for those I will be doing a HBMAME db sooner or later anyway (the timing will depend on how much effort it will be to add all the missing info like genres and ratings).

While you are at it if you could do a video for MonacoGP (HBMAME) as well that would be nice :)


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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Videos that need to be redone or missing using mame155. (The Player's Edge games are all parents not clones)
alinvade - missing

cgold - missing - Can you shoot me the inst link again? Caribbean Gold needs some trivial input changes, as currently it has a logic door error on boot, however if you hit the coin input the error goes away and allows you to key in to perform a memory reset and finally coin up.
cgold2 - missing - Can you shoot me the inst link again?
deltrace - maybe needs own video with the new artwork and crop it. http://mrdo.mameworl...e.php?p=10#here So there will be 3 different artwork for the parent and 2 clones. http://mrdo.mameworl...egrace0001.png
fhunter - missing
gunnrose - missing
jankenmn - redo add full artwork and rotate to make video. http://mrdo.mameworl...me.php?p=7#here  http://mrdo.mameworl...rk/jankenmn.png
jubileep - missing
jpcoin2 - missing
lunapark - missing
mongolnw - missing
peip0041 - missing
pepp0043 - redo shows 'call attendant screen'
pepp0053 - missing
pepp0055 - missing
pepp0120 - missing
pepp0127 - missing
pepp0434 - missing
pepp0452 - missing
pepp0508 - missing
pepp0514 - missing
pepp0542 - missing
pepp0775 - missing
peps0021 - missing
peps0042 - missing
peps0426 - missing
peps0296 - missing
pex0040p - missing
pex0046p - missing
pex0053p - missing
pex0055p - missing
pex0158p - missing
pex0188p - missing
pex0190p - missing
pex0197p - missing
pex0203p - missing
pex0224p - missing
pex0225p - missing
pex0265p - missing
pex0291p - missing
pex0430p - missing
pex0434p - missing
pex0447p - missing
pex0449p - missing
pex0451p - missing
pex0452p - missing
pex0454p - missing
pex0458p - missing
pex0508p - missing
pex0514p - missing
pex0515p - missing
pex0536p - missing
pex0537p - missing
pex0538p - missing
pex0581p - missing
pex0588p - missing
pex0725p - missing
pex0726p - missing
pex0727p - missing
pex0763p - missing
pex2018p - missing
pex2025p - missing
pex2026p - missing
pex2027p - missing
pex2031p - missing
pex2035p - missing
pex2036p - missing
pex2040p - missing
pex2042p - missing
pex2045p - missing
pex2067p - missing
pex2068p - missing
pex2070p - missing
pex2172p - missing
pex2241p - missing
pex2244p - missing
pex2245p - missing
pex2250p - missing
pex2251p - missing
pex2283p - missing
pex2284p - missing
pex2302p - missing
pex2303p - missing
pex2307p - missing
pex2314p - missing
pex2374p - missing
pex2377p - missing
pex2440p - missing
pex2461p - missing
pexmp002 - missing
pexmp003 - missing
pexmp004 - missing
pexmp030 - missing
quizrd34 - redo no game play
rcirculet - redo need to apply artwork - Is this ROM name correct?
realbrod - missing
record - missing
roul - missing artwork. Just use the artwork for re900 and rename to roul.
soccernw - missing
spacezap - Video still looks wrong. Redo needs artwork overlay. Make sure you go in game configuration and select Black/White and then go in video options and select upright artwork and crop it and also disable bezel to make video. Get the artwork here. http://mrdo.mameworl...e.php?p=14#here
tapatune - missing
topgear - redo no game play. http://www.mamedev.o...:Games#Top_Gear
touryuu -  0.146u2: Tim Schuerewegen added proper mahjong panel inputs to Touryuumon. Game is fully working other than the initial boot reset (that needs default NVRAM). - I just see a dragon and game is around 5-10 fps - Circo Just skip this until mametesters is back up.
waveshrk - missing


Edited by joe35car
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