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The First Video Game I Ever Played Was...

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I thought this might be a fun topic just to see how many fellow gamers remember the first video game they ever played, or the first interaction you had with video games growing up.


My older sister got an NES for Christmas of '87 and I remember watching her play Super Mario Bros. for hours on end. However, that wasn't the game that got me interested in the console... It wasn't until a few years later that I decided to jump on the bandwagon with the release of Mega Man 2. A friend of mine showed me the game and I instantly wanted it. So for me, Mega Man 2 was the game. Now at 32, I still rock the NES on a regular basis. I love my PS3, but for me old school is where it's at.

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For me it was a game on a spectrum. I cant remember the name but it involved punch and judi and had a realy frustrating death song whenever I died. Just punch going "hahahaha". Gotta go and find it now...

My actual game that got me hookd to gaming was one on an amiga I think called something likee Pacific Isles, where I was a tank commander and was invading a set of islands.

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First for me was a multi pong game at my grandmas house. A couple of years later I got to play asteroids on 2600 it was awesome!

That was the first one for me as well as far as I remember, a 2 games machine with Tennis+Hockey I believe. It belonged to my father and I should still have that machine stored somewhere.


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  • 3 weeks later...

JetPac on the Sinclair ZX Spectrum for me.  We didn't even own the computer.  My dad used to borrow it from his work at the weekends.


This was back in the days of only 3 TV channels and we didn't own a VCR so was amazed that there was something on the screen that we had put there and could control.  Still play it quite regularly now.


Second game was Manic Miner.   Can still remember the cheat code; 6031769  Ace!

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Hard to say... Atari 2600 for sure, but i don't remember what played first, my uncle gave me the console on my birthday, with a lot of games.

Maybe pitfall.... at least, that was my most played game on my old 2600

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Some obscure stuff on the ZX Spectrum and MSX console.
My brother and I used to make make our own basic games as well.
We both ended up being programmers as profession.
Those were the days. having to make our own games on the MSX... haha

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have to say it was Pong second was Stunt Cycle. During those times video gaming was new to me and was acustom to pinball. I can not remember which one was first but over time I played a lot of different ones( Evil Knievel stands out though) still Black Lagoon is my favorite so is Whitewater . This was even before video gaming consoles came on the scene.

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First arcade game: Pong. I was barely able to see the screen, but I played with my dad for a long time (until he got tired of it ;)). 


First video game: Space Invaders on the 2600. Played at my uncle's, who later sold me the system with his games and started my addiction to video games (curse him ! :)).

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