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To answer celly's question, we currently do not have a video snap set for the scummvm system. Although if someone would like to start.... I did see that there are Box arts and screenshots in the USER SUBMITTED - OTHER folder.

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To answer celly's question, we currently do not have a video snap set for the scummvm system. Although if someone would like to start.... I did see that there are Box arts and screenshots in the USER SUBMITTED - OTHER folder.

I'd like to start these but there are a few games I'm missing from the latest build of ScummVM (mainly the Blues games and The Seventh Guest). Also, I'm not that crafty with the video editing. I can however, start this with in-game snaps and then if anyone wants to add titles to it or any of the other games I don't have that'd be cool. Since I decided to round file the C64 titles I was making, I have time for this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd like to start these but there are a few games I'm missing from the latest build of ScummVM (mainly the Blues games and The Seventh Guest). Also, I'm not that crafty with the video editing. I can however, start this with in-game snaps and then if anyone wants to add titles to it or any of the other games I don't have that'd be cool. Since I decided to round file the C64 titles I was making, I have time for this.

I have started and I added what I have completed to the FTP work in progress section. Once I get a bit more time, I'll knock out the rest.

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I have started and I added what I have completed to the FTP work in progress section. Once I get a bit more time, I'll knock out the rest.

nice, keep us updated. If you want to go through and make 10 sec title clips as well I will do all of the editing and encoding for you.

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nice, keep us updated. If you want to go through and make 10 sec title clips as well I will do all of the editing and encoding for you.

Sure, sure. I can do that. I'll add them up too as well, thanks Circo.

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Okay while I'm clearly no fan of GX these days...other than the tag's looking very bland...what is it about them that bugs you? Just curious. :)

It's a cool feature but they're bloody huge and not much to look at. Great idea though!

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Doh! just realized I miss read Circo's comment. :)

garwil -

Agreed neat idea...but needs more polish...and to be smaller.

It is a bit crass but, I like it. I like the fact that it updates as I play different systems/games.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Back on topic, I was away for work for almost 2 weeks but I'm home again and will continue the snaps tonight. Hopefully finish the in game and get the 10 second titles done as well.

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  • 2 months later...

Back on topic, I was away for work for almost 2 weeks but I'm home again and will continue the snaps tonight. Hopefully finish the in game and get the 10 second titles done as well.

Hey guys, how is this project going? I am planning on working on these, but I would like to know were we are at so I dont re-do a bunch of work. Thanks!

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Hey guys, how is this project going? I am planning on working on these, but I would like to know were we are at so I dont re-do a bunch of work. Thanks!

I've been busy with school this past few months and had some issues resolved with my front end and ScummVM. Hopefully, I can get back to finishing these as there is 109 left to do. Sorry for the wait.

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I've been busy with school this past few months and had some issues resolved with my front end and ScummVM. Hopefully, I can get back to finishing these as there is 109 left to do. Sorry for the wait.

no problem, do you need anything done with them. Have you cropped/converted them?

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no problem, do you need anything done with them. Have you cropped/converted them?

Well, I've got about 30% of it done already. That's all avi not flv. I'm not a very good editor so its mostly in game snaps without the 10 second title. Here is my goal - get the snap first, then grab the 10 sec title, add that and upload it for whoever would like to edit it. Right now what I have done so far is in the Work In Progress folder under Celly, in the ScummVM In Game Snaps folder if you want to check on my progress.

EDIT: I'm stuck on Future Wars. It seems that the game file(s) I have won't let me by the copyright protections screen. Anybody have a fix for this?

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as far as I know the only way around it is to find the original manual....try this:


If you could try to get me some title snaps for the in game snaps you already have, I would be more than happy to try to edit them.

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as far as I know the only way around it is to find the original manual....try this:


If you could try to get me some title snaps for the in game snaps you already have, I would be more than happy to try to edit them.

Thanks loppyd, but I have this pdf already. Maybe I need to "aquire" another copy of the game.

I'll try and up some 10 second titles as well. Thanks again.

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Thanks loppyd, but I have this pdf already. Maybe I need to "aquire" another copy of the game.

I'll try and up some 10 second titles as well. Thanks again.

Really?? it worked for me. did you get an error? It just wants you to match the colors on his pants right? You have to match like 5 colors or somthing. The game itself kinda sux, but for a complete set we must get it working. I tried to get some videos made of some titles, but was unsuccesfull. Fraps doesnt seem to work for me and Camtasia isnt working like I would like either.

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Really?? it worked for me. did you get an error? It just wants you to match the colors on his pants right? You have to match like 5 colors or somthing. The game itself kinda sux, but for a complete set we must get it working. I tried to get some videos made of some titles, but was unsuccesfull. Fraps doesnt seem to work for me and Camtasia isnt working like I would like either.

Not to take this off topic, but do you need help with Marquee Magician?

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Really?? it worked for me. did you get an error? It just wants you to match the colors on his pants right? You have to match like 5 colors or somthing. The game itself kinda sux, but for a complete set we must get it working. I tried to get some videos made of some titles, but was unsuccesfull. Fraps doesnt seem to work for me and Camtasia isnt working like I would like either.

Yup, Future Wars isn't taking the copyright thing for some reason. I do the color deal correctly and says that I did it incorrectly. Idk man. For right now, I'm moving on. Also, Fraps does not capture ScummVM for some reason so I use Camtasia. Camtasia works fine for me, windowed. Which version are you using?

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@Tempest: Not sure how you knew I was having trouble with CPWizard/Marquee magician, but yeah I was :) Adding a second monitor has become somwhat of a nightmare. But just last night I found a way to launch a PNG to my second monitor using just AHK and Irfanview, it seems to work great for me. I am still having issues with certain games not likeing having the USB monitor plugged in(Blazblue), but over all I think I am getting it. Thanks!

@celly: My biggest problem with Camtasia at the moment is it has a big swirling blue thing in the middle, like when windows is loading. it is no there while im recording, but it is there in the AVI. I will try it windowed next, maybe that will work. My mission is to at least get Future wars captured since thats one you cant get.

On a different note, I am setting up my computer for editing, getting all the software in order, and I ran into a problem. I get done editing in corel studio and the AVI looks great. But when I convert it using Adobe Media Converter to FLV, the video looks bad. there are artifact that were not in the AVI, it skips in certain spots, and just plain looks worse. I could settle for a slight deterioration in qaulity when converting, but I think this is unacceptable. Any ideas? Circo have you ever ran into this? I am going to try to make the flv direcly from Corel Studio and see iof that works next.

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@Tempest: Not sure how you knew I was having trouble with CPWizard/Marquee magician, but yeah I was :) Adding a second monitor has become somwhat of a nightmare. But just last night I found a way to launch a PNG to my second monitor using just AHK and Irfanview, it seems to work great for me. I am still having issues with certain games not likeing having the USB monitor plugged in(Blazblue), but over all I think I am getting it. Thanks!

@celly: My biggest problem with Camtasia at the moment is it has a big swirling blue thing in the middle, like when windows is loading. it is no there while im recording, but it is there in the AVI. I will try it windowed next, maybe that will work. My mission is to at least get Future wars captured since thats one you cant get.

On a different note, I am setting up my computer for editing, getting all the software in order, and I ran into a problem. I get done editing in corel studio and the AVI looks great. But when I convert it using Adobe Media Converter to FLV, the video looks bad. there are artifact that were not in the AVI, it skips in certain spots, and just plain looks worse. I could settle for a slight deterioration in qaulity when converting, but I think this is unacceptable. Any ideas? Circo have you ever ran into this? I am going to try to make the flv direcly from Corel Studio and see iof that works next.

I've never had that problem with Camtasia before. I usually use it windowed, whenever Fraps doesn't work. As far as avi to flv, I don't have a converter for that. I can make it mp4 for PSP... nah, that's not right. Idk.

As for Future Wars, finally got it snapped. After 3 different game downloads, and several inside cover arts, I managed to get it to work and grab a vid of it. Uploaded it to WIP section.

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Ok I think I got my problem figured out for the flv's. I just used IMtoo flv converter instead of adobe, and it looks much better. I would like someone to download a sample I made and see if is up to the quality standards. If it is than I can start on the conversion process of the SCUMM videos. Here is the samples in AVI and FLV:


As you can see camtasia left the cursor in the middle of the screen, obviously that wont be there in any of the final releases

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Aside from the cursor (and it being MK4), they look good. Nice job!

Lol...I kinda like the game. If only they would release a newer MK for the PC I would be a happy camper! Anyway, I'll put some videos together as soon as you have some title vids for me. Thanks.

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