This update pretty much finishes the Super Nintendo / Super Famicom refresh. Huge thanks to SeedBad for his help with this update. This update brings the total count of SNES video snaps to a whopping 1361! Continue reading for a full list of what videos were added or replaced in this update.
Video Snaps Added/Updated
Aero Fighters (USA)
Al Unser Jr.'s Road to the Top (USA)
Arkanoid - Doh It Again (USA)
Axelay (USA)
Dennis the Menace (USA)
Derby Stallion 98 (Japan) (NP)
Dig & Spike Volleyball (USA)
Dino City (USA)
Dino Dini's Soccer! (Europe)
Dirt Racer (Europe)
Dirt Trax FX (USA)
Donkey Kong Country (USA) (Competition Edition)
Doom (USA)
Doom Troopers (USA)
Doomsday Warrior (USA)
Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story (USA)
Dragon View (USA)
Dragon's Lair (USA)
Drakkhen (USA)
Dream TV (USA)
Duel, The - Test Drive II (USA)
E.V.O. - Search for Eden (USA)
Earth Defense Force (USA)
EarthBound (USA)
Eek! The Cat (USA)
Elite Soccer (USA)
Emmitt Smith Football (USA)
ESPN National Hockey Night (USA)
ESPN Speedworld (USA)
ESPN Sunday Night NFL (USA)
Exertainment Mountain Bike Rally (USA)
Extra Innings (USA)
Eye of the Beholder (USA)
Faceball 2000 (USA)
Family Dog (USA)
Family Feud (USA) (Rev 1)
Final Fantasy - Mystic Quest (USA) (Rev 1)
Final Fantasy II (USA) (Rev 1)
Final Fantasy III (USA) (Rev 1)
Fire Striker (USA)
Firemen, The (Europe)
Flashback - The Quest for Identity (USA)
Flintstones, The - The Treasure of Sierra Madrock (USA)
Flintstones, The (USA)
Football Fury (USA)
Foreman For Real (USA)
Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball (USA)
Frantic Flea (USA)
Frogger (USA)
Full Throttle - All-American Racing (USA)
Fun 'n Games (USA)
F-Zero (USA)
Gemfire (USA)
Genghis Khan II - Clan of the Gray Wolf (USA)
George Foreman's KO Boxing (USA) (Rev 1)
Ghoul Patrol (USA)
Goal! (USA)
Gods (USA)
Goof Troop (USA)
GP-1 (USA)
Gradius III (USA)
Great Circus Mystery Starring Mickey & Minnie, The (USA)
Great Waldo Search, The (USA)
GunForce - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island (USA)
Hagane - The Final Conflict (USA)
HAL's Hole in One Golf (USA)
Hammerlock Wrestling (USA)
HardBall III (USA)
Harley's Humongous Adventure (USA)
Harvest Moon (USA)
Head-On Soccer (USA)
Hebereke's Popoitto (Europe)
Hebereke's Popoon (Europe)
Hit the Ice (USA)
Home Alone (USA)
Home Alone 2 - Lost in New York (USA)
Home Improvement (USA)
Hook (USA)
Humans, The (Europe)
Hungry Dinosaurs (Europe)
Hyper V-Ball (USA)
Ignition Factor, The (USA)
Illusion of Gaia (USA)
Incantation (USA)
Incredible Crash Dummies, The (USA)
Incredible Hulk, The (USA)
Indiana Jones' Greatest Adventures (USA)
Inindo - Way of the Ninja (USA)
Inspector Gadget (USA)
International Superstar Soccer (Europe)
International Tennis Tour (USA)
Irem Skins Game, The (USA)
Itchy & Scratchy Game, The (USA)
Izzy's Quest for the Olympic Rings (USA)
J.League Super Soccer '95 - Jikkyou Stadium (Japan)
J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings - Volume 1 (USA)
Jack Nicklaus Golf (USA)
Jaleco Rally Big Run - The Supreme 4WD Challenge (Japan)
James Bond Jr (USA)
Jammes (Japan)
Jammit (USA)
JB The Super Bass (Japan)
Jelly Boy (Europe)
Jeopardy! - Deluxe Edition (USA)
Jeopardy! - Sports Edition (USA)
Jeopardy! (USA)
Jetsons, The - Invasion of the Planet Pirates (USA)
Jikkyou Power Pro Wrestling '96 - Max Voltage (Japan)
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu - Basic Ban '98 (Japan)
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 2 (Japan)
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 3 - '97 Haru (Japan)
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu 3 (Japan)
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu '94 (Japan)
Jim Lee's WildC.A.T.S - Covert Action Teams (USA)
Jim Power - The Lost Dimension in 3D (USA)
Jimmy Connors Pro Tennis Tour (USA)
Jimmy Houston's Bass Tournament U.S.A. (USA)
Jissen Kyoutei (Japan)
Joe & Mac (USA)
Joe & Mac 2 - Lost in the Tropics (USA)
Judge Dredd (USA)
Jumpin' Derby (Japan)
Jungle Book, The (USA)
Jungle no Ouja Tar-chan - Sekaimanyuu Daikakutou no Maki (Japan)
Jurassic Park (USA) (Rev 1)
Jurassic Park II - The Chaos Continues (USA)
Justice League Task Force (USA)
JWP Joshi Pro Wres - Pure Wrestle Queens (Japan)
Kachou Shima Kousaku (Japan)
Kamaitachi no Yoru (Japan)
Kamen Rider (Japan)
Kamen Rider SD - Shutsugeki!! Rider Machine (Japan)
Kashiwagi Shigetaka no Top Water Bassing (Japan)
Kat's Run - Zen-Nihon K-Car Senshuken (Japan)
Kawa no Nushi Tsuri 2 (Japan)
Keeper (Japan)
Keiba Eight Special (Japan)
Keiba Eight Special 2 (Japan)
Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball (USA)
Ken Griffey Jr.'s Winning Run (USA)
Kendo Rage (USA)
Kid Klown in Crazy Chase (USA)
Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor (Japan)
Kikou Keisatsu Metal Jack (Japan)
King Arthur & The Knights of Justice (USA)
King Arthur's World (USA)
King of Rally, The (Japan)
King of the Monsters 2 (USA)
Kingyo Chuuihou! - Tobidase! Game Gakuen (Japan)
Kinnikuman - Dirty Challenger (Japan)
Kirby no Kirakira Kids (Japan)
Kirby Super Star (USA)
Kirby's Avalanche (USA)
Kirby's Dream Course (USA)
Kirby's Dream Land 3 (USA)
Kishin Douji Zenki - Battle Raiden (Japan)
Kishin Douji Zenki - Denei Raibu (Japan)
Knights of the Round (USA)
Kouryuu no Mimi (Japan) (Translated En)
Koushien 2 (Japan)
Koushien 3 (Japan)
Koushien 4 (Japan)
Krusty's Super Fun House (USA) (Rev 1)
Kunio no Oden (Japan)
Kyle Petty's No Fear Racing (USA)
Lagoon (USA)
Last Action Hero (USA)
Lawnmower Man, The (USA)
Legend (USA)
Legend of the Mystical Ninja, The (USA)
Legend of Zelda, The - A Link to the Past (USA)
Lemmings (USA) (Rev 1)
Lemmings 2 - The Tribes (USA)
Lester the Unlikely (USA)
Lethal Weapon (USA)
Liberty or Death (USA)
Lion King, The (USA)
Looney Tunes B-Ball (USA)
Lost Vikings 2 (USA)
Lost Vikings, The (USA)
Lucky Luke (Europe)
Lufia & The Fortress of Doom (USA)
Lufia II - Rise of the Sinistrals (USA)
Magic Boy (USA)
Magic Sword (USA)
Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse, The (USA)
Mario Is Missing! (USA)
Mario Paint (Japan, USA)
Mario's Early Years! - Fun with Letters (USA)
Mario's Early Years! - Fun with Numbers (USA)
Mario's Early Years! - Preschool Fun (USA)
Mario's Time Machine (USA)
Marko's Magic Football (Europe)
Marvel Super Heroes - War of the Gems (USA)
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (USA)
Mask, The (USA)
Math Blaster - Episode 1 (USA)
Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow (USA)
Mecarobot Golf (USA)
MechWarrior (USA)
MechWarrior 3050 (USA)
Mega lo Mania (Europe)
Mega Man 7 (USA)
Mega Man Soccer (USA)
Mega Man X (USA) (Rev 1)
Mega Man X2 (USA)
Mega Man X3 (USA)
Melfand Stories (Japan)
Metal Marines (USA)
Metal Morph (USA)
Metal Slader Glory - Director's Cut (Japan) (NP)
Metal Warriors (USA)
Michael Andretti's IndyCar Challenge (USA)
Michael Jordan - Chaos in the Windy City (USA)
Mickey Mania - The Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse (USA)
Mickey no Tokyo Disneyland Daibouken (Japan)
Mickey's Playtown Adventure - A Day of Discovery! (USA) (Proto)
Mickey's Ultimate Challenge (USA)
Micro Machines (USA)
Micro Machines 2 - Turbo Tournament (Europe)
Might and Magic II - Gates to Another World (Europe)
Might and Magic III - Isles of Terra (USA)
Mighty Max (USA)
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Fighting Edition (USA)
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Movie (USA)
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (USA)
Mini Yonku Let's & Go!! - Power WGP 2 (Japan)
Mini Yonku Shining Scorpion - Let's & Go!! (Japan)
MLBPA Baseball (USA)
Mohawk & Headphone Jack (USA)
Monopoly (USA) (Rev 1)
Mortal Kombat (USA)
Mortal Kombat 3 (USA)
Mortal Kombat II (USA) (Rev 1)
Motoko-chan no Wonder Kitchen (Japan)
Mr. Do! (USA)
Mr. Nutz (USA)
Ms. Pac-Man (USA)
Multi Play Volleyball (Japan)
Musya (USA)
Mystery Circle (Japan)
Nakajima Satoru Kanshuu - F-1 Hero '94 (Japan)
Nakajima Satoru Kanshuu - Super F-1 Hero (Japan)
Nakano Kouichi Kanshuu Keirin Ou (Japan)
Namcot Open (Japan)
Natsuki Crisis Battle (Japan)
Natsume Championship Wrestling (USA)
NBA All-Star Challenge (USA)
NBA Give 'n Go (USA)
NBA Hang Time (USA)
NBA Jam - Tournament Edition (USA)
NBA Jam (USA) (Rev 1)
NBA Showdown (USA)
New 3D Golf Simulation - Harukanaru Augusta (Japan)
New Horizons (USA)
New Yatterman - Nandai Kandai Yajirobee (Japan)
Nice de Shot (Japan)
Nichibutsu Arcade Classics (Japan)
Nichibutsu Arcade Classics 2 - Heiankyou Alien (Japan)
Nichibutsu Collection 1 (Japan)
Nichibutsu Collection 2 (Japan)
Ninja Gaiden Trilogy (USA)
Ninja Warriors, The (USA)
Nintama Rantarou (Japan)
Nintama Rantarou 2 (Japan)
Nintama Rantarou 3 (Japan)
Nintama Rantarou Special (Japan)
No Escape (USA)
Nobunaga's Ambition - Lord of Darkness (USA)
Nobunaga's Ambition (USA)
Nolan Ryan's Baseball (USA)
Nontan to Issho - Kurukuru Puzzle (Japan)
Nosferatu (USA)
Obitus (USA)
O-chan no Oekaki Logic (Japan)
Oekaki Logic (Japan) (NP)
Oekaki Logic 2 (Japan) (NP)
Ogre Battle - The March of the Black Queen (USA)
Okamoto Ayako to Match Play Golf - Ko Olina Golf Club in Hawaii (Japan)
Olivia no Mystery (Japan)
Olympic Summer Games (USA)
On the Ball (USA)
Ongaku Tsukuru Kanadeeru (Japan)
Onizuka Katsuya Super Virtual Boxing - Shin Kentou Ou Densetsu (Japan)
Oonita Atsushi FMW (Japan)
Oozumou Spirits (Japan)
Operation Europe - Path to Victory 1939-45 (USA)
Operation Logic Bomb (USA)
Operation Starfi5h (Europe)
Operation Thunderbolt (USA)
Oraga Land Shusai - Best Farmer Shuukakusai (Japan)
Oscar (USA)
Ossu!! Karate-bu (Japan)
Otoboke Ninja Colosseum (Japan)
Otogirisou (Japan)
Out of This World (USA)
Out to Lunch (USA)
Outlander (USA)
P.T.O. - Pacific Theater of Operations (USA)
P.T.O. II - Pacific Theater of Operations (USA)
Pac-Attack (USA)
Pac-in-Time (USA)
Packy & Marlon (USA)
Pac-Man 2 - The New Adventures (USA)
Pagemaster, The (USA)
Paladin's Quest (USA)
Paperboy 2 (USA)
Parodius (Europe)
Peace Keepers, The (USA)
Pebble Beach no Hatou New - Tournament Edition (Japan)
PGA European Tour (USA)
PGA Tour 96 (USA)
PGA Tour Golf (USA)
Phantom 2040 (USA)
Pieces (USA)
Pikiinya! (Japan)
Pinball Dreams (USA)
Pinball Fantasies (USA)
Pink Goes to Hollywood (USA)
Pinocchio (USA)
Pipe Dream (Japan)
Pirates of Dark Water, The (USA)
Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure (USA)
Plok! (USA)
Pocky & Rocky (USA)
Pocky & Rocky 2 (USA)
Poko Nyan! - Henpokorin Adventure (Japan)
Popful Mail (Japan)
Populous (USA)
Populous II - Trials of the Olympian Gods (Europe)
Porky Pig's Haunted Holiday (USA)
Power Lode Runner (Japan) (NP)
Power Moves (USA)
Power Piggs of the Dark Age (USA)
Power Rangers Zeo - Battle Racers (USA)
Power Soukoban (Japan)
PowerMonger (Europe)
Prehistorik Man (USA)
Primal Rage (USA)
Prince of Persia (USA)
Prince of Persia 2 - The Shadow & The Flame (USA)
Pro Quarterback (USA)
Pro Sport Hockey (USA)
Pro Yakyuu Nettou Puzzle Stadium (Japan)
Pro Yakyuu Star (Japan)
Psycho Dream (Japan)
Push-Over (USA)
Putty Squad (Europe)
Puzzle Nintama Rantarou - Ninjutsu Gakuen Puzzle Taikai no Dan (Japan)
Puzzle'n Desu! (Japan)
Q-bert 3 (USA)
R.P.M. Racing (USA)
Race Drivin' (USA)
Radical Rex (USA)
Rampart (USA)
Ranma 1-2 - Chougi Ranbu Hen (Japan)
Ranma 1-2 - Hard Battle (USA)
Ranma 1-2 - Ougi Jaanken (Japan)
Rap Jam - Volume One (USA)
Realm (USA)
Redline F-1 Racer (USA)
Relief Pitcher (USA)
Ren & Stimpy Show, The - Buckeroos! (USA)
Ren & Stimpy Show, The - Fire Dogs (USA)
Ren & Stimpy Show, The - Time Warp (USA)
Ren & Stimpy Show, The - Veediots! (USA)
Res Arcana - Diana Ray - Uranai no Meikyuu (Japan)
Revolution X (USA)
Rex Ronan - Experimental Surgeon (USA)
Riddick Bowe Boxing (USA)
Ring ni Kakero (Japan) (NP)
Rival Turf! (USA)
Road Riot 4WD (USA)
Road Runner's Death Valley Rally (USA)
RoboCop 3 (USA)
RoboCop versus The Terminator (USA)
Robotrek (USA)
Rock n' Roll Racing (USA)
Rocketeer, The (USA)
Rocko's Modern Life - Spunky's Dangerous Day (USA)
Rocky Rodent (USA)
Roger Clemens' MVP Baseball (USA) (Rev 1)
Rokudenashi Blues - Taiketsu! Tokyo Shitennou (Japan)
Romance of the Three Kingdoms II (USA)
Romance of the Three Kingdoms III - Dragon of Destiny (USA)
Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV - Wall of Fire (USA)
R-Type III - The Third Lightning (USA)
Run Saber (USA)
Ryuuko no Ken 2 (Japan)
Saikyou - Takada Nobuhiko (Japan)
Sailormoon (France)
Same Game (Japan)
Samurai Shodown (USA)
Sanrio Shanghai (Japan)
Sanspo Fishing - Keiryuu Ou (Japan)
Saturday Night Slam Masters (USA)
Scooby-Doo Mystery (USA)
SD F-1 Grand Prix (Japan)
SD Gundam - Power Formation Puzzle (Japan)
SD Hiryuu no Ken (Japan)
SD Kidou Senshi Gundam - V Sakusen Shidou (Japan)
SD Kidou Senshi Gundam 2 (Japan)
SD The Great Battle - Aratanaru Chousen (Japan)
SeaQuest DSV (USA)
Secret of Evermore (USA)
Secret of Mana (USA)
Seifuku Densetsu Pretty Fighter (Japan)
Shadow, The (USA) (Proto)
Shadowrun (USA)
Shanghai - Banri no Choujou (Japan)
Shanghai II - Dragon's Eye (USA)
Shanghai III (Japan)
Shaq Fu (USA)
Shien's Revenge (USA)
Shijou Saikyou League Serie A - Ace Striker (Japan)
Shin Nihon Pro Wrestling - Chou Senshi in Tokyo Dome - Fantastic Story (Japan)
Shin Shougi Club (Japan)
Shiroi Ring e - Twinkle Little Star (Japan)
Shounen Ashibe - Goma-chan no Yuuenchi Daibouken (Japan)
Shounen Ninja Sasuke (Japan)
Side Pocket (USA)
SimAnt (USA)
SimCity (USA)
SimCity 2000 (USA)
SimEarth - The Living Planet (USA)
Simpsons, The - Bart's Nightmare (USA)
Simulation Pro Yakyuu (Japan)
Sink or Swim (USA)
Skuljagger - Revolt of the Westicans (USA)
Skyblazer (USA)
Smart Ball (USA)
Smash Tennis (Europe)
Smurfs Travel the World, The (Europe)
Smurfs, The (Europe)
Snow White in Happily Ever After (USA)
Soldiers of Fortune (USA)
Sonic Blast Man (USA)
Sonic Blast Man II (USA)
Soreyuke Ebisumaru Karakuri Meiro - Kieta Goemon no Nazo!! (Japan)
Sougou Kakutougi - Astral Bout (Japan)
Sougou Kakutougi - Astral Bout 2 - The Total Fighters (Japan)
Sougou Kakutougi Rings - Astral Bout 3 (Japan)
Soukou Kihei Votoms - The Battling Road (Japan)
Soul Blazer (USA)
Space Football - One on One (USA)
Space Invaders - The Original Game (USA)
Space Megaforce (USA)
Spanky's Quest (USA)
Sparkster (USA)
Spawn (USA)
Spectre (USA)
Speed Racer in My Most Dangerous Adventures (USA)
Speedy Gonzales - Los Gatos Bandidos (USA) (Rev 1)
Spider-Man (USA)
Spider-Man-Venom - Maximum Carnage (USA)
Spider-Man-X-Men - Arcade's Revenge (USA)
Spindizzy Worlds (USA)
Spirou (Europe)
Sporting News Power Baseball, The (USA)
Sports Illustrated Championship Football & Baseball (USA)
Sprinter Monogatari - Mezase!! Ikkakusenkin (Japan)
St. Andrews - Eikou to Rekishi no Old Course (Japan)
Star Fox (USA) (Rev 2)
Star Fox (USA) (Super Weekend Competition)
Star Trek - Starfleet Academy - Starship Bridge Simulator (USA)
Star Trek - The Next Generation - Future's Past (USA)
Stardust Suplex (Japan)
Stargate (USA)
Steel Talons (USA)
Sterling Sharpe - End 2 End (USA)
Stone Protectors (USA)
Street Combat (USA)
Street Fighter Alpha 2 (USA)
Street Fighter II (USA)
Street Fighter II Turbo (USA)
Street Hockey '95 (USA)
Street Racer (USA)
Strike Gunner S.T.G (USA)
Stunt Race FX (USA) (Rev 1)
Sugoi Hebereke (Japan)
Sunset Riders (USA)
Supapoon DX (Japan)
Super Adventure Island (USA)
Super Adventure Island II (USA)
Super Air Diver 2 (Japan)
Super Alfred Chicken (USA)
Super Aquatic Games Starring the Aquabats, The (USA)
Super Baseball Simulator 1.000 (USA)
Super Bases Loaded (USA)
Super Bases Loaded 3 - License to Steal (USA)
Super Bases Loaded II (USA)
Super Batter Up (USA)
Super Battleship (USA)
Super Battletank - War in the Gulf (USA) (Rev 1)
Super Battletank 2 (USA)
Super Bikkuriman (Japan)
Super Birdie Rush (Japan)
Super Black Bass (USA)
Super Bomberman - Panic Bomber W (Japan)
Super Bomberman (USA)
Super Bomberman 2 (USA)
Super Bomberman 3 (Europe)
Super Bombliss (Japan)
Super Bonk (USA)
Super Bowling (USA)
Super Buster Bros. (USA) (Rev 1)
Super Caesars Palace (USA)
Super Castlevania IV (USA)
Super Chase H.Q. (USA)
Super Chinese Fighter (Japan)
Super Conflict - The Mideast (USA)
Super Copa (Brazil) (Es,Pt)
Super Double Dragon (USA)
Super Drift Out - World Rally Championships (Japan)
Super Dunk Star (Japan)
Super F1 Circus (Japan)
Super F1 Circus 2 (Japan)
Super F1 Circus 3 (Japan)
Super F1 Circus Gaiden (Japan)
Super Family Circuit (Japan)
Super Family Gelaende (Japan) (NP)
Super Famista 2 (Japan)
Super Famista 3 (Japan)
Super Famista 4 (Japan)
Super Famista 5 (Japan)
Super Final Match Tennis (Japan)
Super Fire Pro Wrestling (Japan)
Super Fire Pro Wrestling 2 (Japan)
Super Fire Pro Wrestling III - Final Bout (Japan)
Super Fishing Big Fight (Japan)
Super Formation Soccer 94 - World Cup Final Data (Japan)
Super Formation Soccer 95 della Serie A (Japan)
Super Formation Soccer 96 - World Club Edition (Japan)
Super Formation Soccer II (Japan)
Super Ghouls'n Ghosts (USA)
Super Goal! 2 (USA)
Super Godzilla (USA)
Super High Impact (USA)
Super Ice Hockey (Europe)
Super Indy Champ (Japan)
Super International Cricket (Europe)
Super James Pond (USA)
Super Keirin (Japan)
Super Koukou Yakyuu - Ikkyuu Nyuukon (Japan)
Super Kyuukyoku Harikiri Stadium (Japan)
Super Kyuukyoku Harikiri Stadium 2 (Japan)
Super Loopz (Japan)
Super Mad Champ (Japan)
Super Mario All-Stars (USA)
Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World (USA)
Super Mario Kart (USA)
Super Mario RPG - Legend of the Seven Stars (USA)
Super Mario World (USA)
Super Mario World 2 - Yoshi's Island (USA) (Rev 1)
Super Metroid (Japan, USA)
Super Morph (Europe)
Super Naxat Open - Golf de Shoubu da Dorabocchan (Japan)
Super Nazo Puyo Tsuu - Rulue no Tetsuwan Hanjouki (Japan)
Super Ninja Boy (USA)
Super Noah's Ark 3D (USA) (Unl)
Super Nova (USA)
Super Off Road - The Baja (USA)
Super Pinball - Behind the Mask (USA) (Rev 1)
Super Pinball II - The Amazing Odyssey (Japan)
Super Play Action Football (USA)
Super Power League (Japan)
Super Power League 2 (Japan)
Super Power League 3 (Japan)
Super Power League 4 (Japan)
Super Professional Baseball II (Japan)
Super Putty (USA)
Super R.B.I. Baseball (USA)
Super Rugby (Japan)
Super Slam Dunk (USA)
Super Slap Shot (USA)
Super Smash T.V. (USA)
Super Soccer (USA)
Super Soccer Champ (USA)
Super Solitaire (USA)
Super Soukoban (Japan)
Super Star Wars - Return of the Jedi (USA) (Rev 1)
Super Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back (USA) (Rev 1)
Super Star Wars (USA) (Rev 1)
Super Street Fighter II (USA)
Super Strike Eagle (USA)
Super Tekkyuu Fight! (Japan)
Super Tennis (USA)
Super Tetris 2 + Bombliss (Japan)
Super Tetris 3 (Japan)
Super Troll Islands (USA)
Super Turrican (USA)
Super Turrican 2 (USA)
Super Uno (Japan)
Super Valis IV (USA)
Super Variable Geo (Japan)
Super Wagyan Land (Japan)
Super Wagyan Land 2 (Japan)
Super Widget (USA)
Super Yakyuudou (Japan)
Sutobasu Yarou Show (Japan)
Sutte Hakkun (Japan)
Suzuka 8 Hours (USA)
SWAT Kats - The Radical Squadron (USA)
Syndicate (USA)
Syvalion (Europe)
T2 - The Arcade Game (USA)
Tactical Soccer (Japan)
Taekwon-Do (Japan) (Ja,Ko)
Take Yutaka GI Memory (Japan)
Takeda Nobuhiro no Super League Soccer (Japan)
Taz-Mania (USA) (Rev 1)
Tecmo Secret of the Stars (USA)
Tecmo Super Baseball (USA)
Tecmo Super Bowl (USA)
Tecmo Super Bowl II - Special Edition (USA)
Tecmo Super Bowl III - Final Edition (USA)
Tecmo Super NBA Basketball (USA)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Tournament Fighters (USA)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV - Turtles in Time (USA)
Tekichuu Keiba Juku (Japan)
Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (USA)
Terminator, The (USA)
Tetris & Dr. Mario (USA)
Tetris 2 (USA) (Rev 1)
Tetris Attack (USA)
Tetris Battle Gaiden (Japan)
Tetsuwan Atom (Japan)
Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends (USA)
Thunder Spirits (USA)
Tick, The (USA)
Time Slip (USA)
Time Trax (USA)
Timecop (USA)
Timon & Pumbaa's Jungle Games (USA)
Tin Star (USA)
Tintin - Prisoners of the Sun (Europe)
Tiny Toon Adventures - Buster Busts Loose! (USA)
Tiny Toon Adventures - Wacky Sports Challenge (USA)
TKO Super Championship Boxing (USA)
TNN Bass Tournament of Champions (USA)
Tom & Jerry (USA)
Tommy Moe's Winter Extreme - Skiing and Snowboarding (USA)
Tony Meola's Sidekicks Soccer (USA)
Top Gear (USA)
Top Gear 2 (USA)
Top Gear 3000 (USA)
Total Carnage (USA)
Toy Story (USA)
Toys (USA)
Troddlers (USA)
Troy Aikman NFL Football (USA)
True Golf Classics - Pebble Beach Golf Links (USA)
True Golf Classics - Waialae Country Club (USA)
True Golf Classics - Wicked 18 (USA)
True Lies (USA)
Tuff E Nuff (USA)
Turbo Toons (Europe)
Turn and Burn - No-Fly Zone (USA)
Twisted Tales of Spike McFang, The (USA)
U.N. Squadron (USA)
Ultima - Runes of Virtue II (USA)
Ultima VI - The False Prophet (USA)
Ultima VII - The Black Gate (USA)
Ultimate Fighter (USA)
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (USA)
Ultraman - Towards the Future (USA)
Universal Soldier (USA) (Proto)
Urban Strike (USA)
Utopia - The Creation of a Nation (USA)
Vegas Stakes (USA)
Venom-Spider-Man - Separation Anxiety (USA)
Virtual Bart (USA)
Virtual Soccer (Europe)
Vortex (USA)
War 2410 (USA)
War 3010 - The Revolution (USA)
Wario's Woods (USA)
Warlock (USA)
WarpSpeed (USA)
Waterworld (Europe)
Wayne Gretzky and the NHLPA All-Stars (USA)
Wayne's World (USA)
WCW Super Brawl Wrestling (USA)
WeaponLord (USA)
We're Back! - A Dinosaur's Story (USA)
Wheel of Fortune - Deluxe Edition (USA)
Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego (USA)
Where in Time Is Carmen Sandiego (USA)
Whirlo (Europe)
Whizz (USA)
Wild Guns (USA)
WildSnake (USA)
Wing Commander - The Secret Missions (USA)
Wing Commander (USA)
Wings 2 - Aces High (USA)
Winter Gold (Europe)
Winter Olympic Games - Lillehammer '94 (USA)
Wizard of Oz, The (USA)
Wizardry V - Heart of the Maelstrom (USA)
Wolfchild (USA)
Wolfenstein 3D (USA)
Wolverine - Adamantium Rage (USA)
Wordtris (USA)
World Class Rugby (Europe)
World Cup Striker (Europe)
World Cup USA 94 (USA)
World Heroes (USA)
World Heroes 2 (USA)
World League Soccer (USA)
World Masters Golf (Europe)
World Soccer 94 - Road to Glory (USA)
Worms (Europe)
WWF Royal Rumble (USA)
WWF Super WrestleMania (USA)
WWF WrestleMania - The Arcade Game (USA)
Xardion (USA)
X-Kaliber 2097 (USA)
X-Men - Mutant Apocalypse (USA)
Yoshi's Cookie (USA)
Young Merlin (USA)
Ys III - Wanderers from Ys (USA)
Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel (USA)
Zombies Ate My Neighbors (USA)
Zool - Ninja of the Nth Dimension (USA)
Zoop (USA)
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