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What Next Gen Console Are You Looking Forward To Purchasing ?


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Well, I can safely say it's not the "XBox One". I want my video game console to just play video games, not walk the dog, take out the trash... or any of the other pointless garbage Microsoft claims the new XBox can do! Did anyone see that press conference a week or so ago about the new XBox? Horrible, I could go on for hours! And not being able to play pre-owned titles??? What is Microsoft thinking at this point? Looks like retail suicide to me...

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Considering I have 2 Xbox 360s, I I got from Microsoft before launch that I modded with about 50 hours play and a slim one I played about 2 hours of halo reach on I think I am retiring from consoles. I just built a new media center with in i7 and a Gtx 670 and 8.5 tb of storage. Pretty sure that's gonna whip ass on the consoles out there. So I'm good :)

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Although I still love my dream cast, hard to believe right?


Not really, I still love my Amiga more than anything else :)

I don't think I'll buy any of the new consoles too, they are basically just pcs these days.

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I am leaning towards the XBox One. you CAN play used games but they "manage" it for you... Basically they take a piece of the cut, hopefully only out of the pockets of GameStop and consumers like myself.  I suspect that the PS4 will be the same way and of course more details will come out at E3.  Since I have 2 360's and the games

are not backwards compatible I am open to either platform.  The thing that pisses me off about the M$ approach is FB, Twitter etc are all free apps and I have my own

internet so why do I have to pay to use them on the XBox?


In the meantime I am almost finish my MAME cabinet build...

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Although I still love my dream cast, hard to believe right?


I still have mine connected! And the fact that the NES emulation on DC is quite good is another reason mine hasn't went in the closet. There were some really great games on DC.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Just returned my ouya, it was a horribly buggy experience. It sounds great in concept, but you pay more for games, OS is buggy as hell, controllers are sluggish, extremely limited on game choice many good ones aren't there, qued downloads usually never get downloaded, ethernet doesn't get switched to when plugged in. So yea, that was my experience.

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

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  • 2 months later...

I have purchased 3 console systems in my life.  (1) Atari 2600 ... and I can't really take claim on that one... mom bought it.  (2) Colecovision... again... I really can't claim this one as mom bought that one too... and finally,  the Nintendo Wii... which I bought... which sits... collecting dust.  What a waste of cash.  Got the balance board because the wife wanted it.  It too sits... collecting dust... with less than 30 minutes use on it.  Nice.


THAT SAID ... i've been itching to play me some GTA5 so I will be considering a console in the near future.  I am not sure which way I will go.  Half of me wants to buy the new generation Xbox/PS ... then the frugal side of me wants to wait for those systems to appear and then pick up an Xbox 360 or PS4 on the cheap.



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