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New Member saying Hello

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Another new guy here. Been away from the emu/retro scene for quite awhile and then I picked up a Raspberry Pi about 3-4 weeks ago. That lead me to RetroPie, actually that's what lead me to the Pi, and from there I started looking into everything emu/retro related. Man they've sure come a long way with stuff. I looked into some front ends and decided on LaunchBox. Just picked up the premium edition BigBox and a monthly sub here at EmuMovies. Now I see a I could have gotten a discount on the lifetime membership here with my LB account. If I can apply that discount to an upgrade to lifetime here I'll definitely go that route.

Loving what I've seen so far.

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Hi, just joined as well because of LaunchBox.  Very new to this FE stuff, trying to scour the forums and learn and meet as much people as I can.  Also loving what I'm seeing so far.  Haven't upgraded to premium yet, but it's good to know about that discount, I'll keep an eye out for it.  Thanks for the heads up!

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