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C64.. Remember Me..? :)


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Hey everybody.. I'm brand new here and brand new to the emulator scene.. i almost wet myself when i found out i could play Arcade games on my PC..

I recently purchased Maximus Arcade which looks really nice apart from when i click on my favoirte computer of all time the C64 it just looks plain and boring :) ... i've noticed that here is a lot of work for the other consoles and computers but not for the humble C64.. has anyone got any plans to maybe help me and others like me to pimp up Maximus Arcade so it looks nice for my C64 or would anyone like to help me? I'm not sure what to do but i have 1 week off over christmas so can spare a day or 2..

Let me know about your thoughts..

Cheers Dan

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You like Commodore? Hay .. I like Commodore too ! :)

Oh yes... it was my very first computer all them years ago.. my aim is to get my Maximus Arcade C64 pimped up but i do not have a clue how to do it?? :/

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I'm not exactly sure, haven't gotten to managing that system yet myself. I think Gamebase will act as a disks manager, and to talk to your FE you need a wrapper. The pro in the field to ask about that is Headkase, he writes pretty much all the wrappers for emulators.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Ninja Rygar

The only reason I haven't yet included the Commodore 64 with my frontend is because of the lack of supplemental files. Titles/snaps is all I really need, and I know GameBase has all that done already... unfortunately, the file names are out of wack with everything and I have no idea how to change the set to No-Intro filenames.

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The only reason I haven't yet included the Commodore 64 with my frontend is because of the lack of supplemental files. Titles/snaps is all I really need, and I know GameBase has all that done already... unfortunately, the file names are out of wack with everything and I have no idea how to change the set to No-Intro filenames.

A fuzzy renamer like fatmatch would do the trick, if anyone tackles it we would love to host the files.

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Brenry -

Not to knock HK's handy work...but he's only done like two loaders\wrappers Chankcast & WinUAE, I dwarf him by a magnitude (32+) as do many others (Brian, Tempest, Frequency). By all means ask him if he's interested in writing one...but lets keep things in perspective. :)

Ninja Rygar -

I could look into automating it sometime next week. I'm guessing that the No-Intro set can more or less be built from the GameBase set...if thats the case then it should be possible to rename the GameBase assets to CRC-32 hash value names...then use the No-Intro Renamer to process them again into final No-Intro names.

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