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Download movies from Launchbox or Emusync?

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Sorry if this has been asked before.  Didn’t see an answer.


Is it faster to download Hd movies from EmuSync or directly from within Launchbox?

And is it in normal range of time to take 30+ hours to download movies for 1 system? I have 100 MBs fiber connection.


thanks for the help!



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@keithj101 Actually based on the way it works, multiple download threads, faster queries, etc its always faster to download using our sync app.  Jason has said he would redo the way LB downloads content sometime in the future but as far as I know there is no ETA

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After I upgrade my account to get access to your video files, I will try to make a comparion between the two, and report back. I would think Emu's own solution would be at least as good as Launchbox (being the content provider), but I am waiting to see ?

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  • 1 year later...
On 12/25/2019 at 3:43 AM, JunpeiBlue said:

I know the thread is kind of old, but is it still better to download from the EmuSync app than through Launchbox?

It is faster to use the sync app, but you have to manually move the files over

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