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Everything posted by ceason1987

  1. Version 2.0.0


    This is a complete set of 2D Media for all official releases on the Sega 32X including the Sega CD / Mega CD 32X. Missing : Farenheit Night Trap Slam City with Scottie Pippen Supreme Warrior Surgical Strike I Have included the Sega CD / Mega CD 32X games as they are officially listed as 32X games because of this I have called this file 2D Media as it contains both Cartridge and CD images.
  2. View File Sega 32X 2D Media Pack (All Official Releases) This is a complete set of 2D Media for all official releases on the Sega 32X including the Sega CD / Mega CD 32X. Missing : Farenheit Night Trap Slam City with Scottie Pippen Supreme Warrior Surgical Strike I Have included the Sega CD / Mega CD 32X games as they are officially listed as 32X games because of this I have called this file 2D Media as it contains both Cartridge and CD images. Submitter ceason1987 Submitted 05/12/2020 Category Cartridge Submissions Resolution 630 x 410 (Carts) 281 x 281 (CD's) Naming Game Name File Count 36
  3. Version 2.0.0


    This is a complete set of 3D Boxes for all official releases on the Sega 32X including the Sega CD / Mega CD 32X. Missing : Farenheit Night Trap Slam City with Scottie Pippen Supreme Warrior Surgical Strike I Have included the Sega CD / Mega CD 32X games as they are officially listed as 32X games
  4. View File Sega 32X 3D Box Pack (All Official Releases) This is a complete set of 3D Boxes for all official releases on the Sega 32X including the Sega CD / Mega CD 32X. Missing : Farenheit Night Trap Slam City with Scottie Pippen Supreme Warrior Surgical Strike I Have included the Sega CD / Mega CD 32X games as they are officially listed as 32X games Submitter ceason1987 Submitted 05/12/2020 Category Box Submissions Resolution 600 x 820 Naming Game Name Total Files in Collection 35 File Count 36
  5. View File Sega 32X 2D Box Pack (All Official Releases) This is a complete set of 2D Boxes for all official releases on the Sega 32X including the Sega CD / Mega CD 32X. Missing : Farenheit Night Trap Slam City with Scottie Pippen Supreme Warrior Surgical Strike I Have included the Sega CD / Mega CD 32X games as they are officially listed as 32X games Submitter ceason1987 Submitted 05/12/2020 Category Box Submissions Resolution 600 x 820 Naming Game Name Total Files in Collection 35 File Count 36
  6. Version 2.0.0


    This is a complete set of 2D Boxes for all official releases on the Sega 32X including the Sega CD / Mega CD 32X. Missing : Farenheit Night Trap Slam City with Scottie Pippen Supreme Warrior Surgical Strike I Have included the Sega CD / Mega CD 32X games as they are officially listed as 32X games
  7. View File Sega 32X Logo Pack (All Official Releases) This is a complete set of Logo's for all official releases on the Sega 32X including the Sega CD / Mega CD 32X. Missing : Farenheit Night Trap Slam City with Scottie Pippen Supreme Warrior Surgical Strike I Have included the Sega CD / Mega CD 32X games as they are officially listed as 32X games Submitter ceason1987 Submitted 05/12/2020 Category Logo Submissions Resolution 400 x various Naming Game Name File Count 36
  8. Version 2.0.0


    This is a complete set of Logo's for all official releases on the Sega 32X including the Sega CD / Mega CD 32X. Missing : Farenheit Night Trap Slam City with Scottie Pippen Supreme Warrior Surgical Strike I Have included the Sega CD / Mega CD 32X games as they are officially listed as 32X games
  9. Version 2.0.0


    This is a complete set of 3D boxes for all official releases on the Atari Lynx. Hyperdrome is the only one missing
  10. View File Atari Lynx 3D Box Pack (All Official Releases) This is a complete set of 3D boxes for all official releases on the Atari Lynx. Hyperdrome is the only one missing Submitter ceason1987 Submitted 05/12/2020 Category Box Submissions Resolution 600 x 820 Naming Game Name Total Files in Collection 75 File Count 76
  11. Version 2.0.0


    This is a complete set of 2D boxes for all official releases on the Atari Lynx. Hyperdrome is the only one missing
  12. View File Atari Lynx 2D Box Pack (All Official Releases) This is a complete set of 2D boxes for all official releases on the Atari Lynx. Hyperdrome is the only one missing Submitter ceason1987 Submitted 05/12/2020 Category Box Submissions Resolution 600 x 820 Naming Game Name Total Files in Collection 75 File Count 76
  13. Version 2.0.0


    This is a complete set of Logo's for all official releases on the Atari 5200.
  14. View File Atari 5200 Logo Pack (All Official Releases) This is a complete set of Logo's for all official releases on the Atari 5200. Submitter ceason1987 Submitted 05/12/2020 Category Logo Submissions Resolution 400 x various Naming Game Name File Count 70
  15. Version 2.0.0


    This is a complete set of 3D Boxes for all official releases on the Atari 5200.
  16. View File Atari 5200 3D Box Pack (All Official Releases) This is a complete set of 3D Boxes for all official releases on the Atari 5200. Submitter ceason1987 Submitted 05/12/2020 Category Box Submissions Resolution 600 x 820 Naming Game Name Total Files in Collection 69 File Count 70
  17. Version 2.0.0


    This is a complete set of 2D boxes for all official releases on the Atari 5200.
  18. View File Atari 5200 2D Box Pack (All Official Releases) This is a complete set of 2D boxes for all official releases on the Atari 5200. Submitter ceason1987 Submitted 05/11/2020 Category Box Submissions Resolution 600 x 820 Naming Game Name Total Files in Collection 69 File Count 70
  19. No problem. If you need the files or the archive in any other format just let me know and i'll be happy to oblige
  20. Version 2.0.0


    This is a complete set of 2D Boxes for all official releases on the SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color. All images have a transparent background.
  21. View File SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color 2D Boxes Pack (All Official Releases) This is a complete set of 2D Boxes for all official releases on the SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color. All images have a transparent background. Submitter ceason1987 Submitted 05/01/2020 Category Other Artwork Submissions Resolution Various Naming Game Name File Count 0
  22. Version 2.0.0


    This is a complete set of logo's for all official releases on the SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color. All images have a transparent background.
  23. View File SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color Logo Pack (All Official Releases) This is a complete set of logo's for all official releases on the SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color. All images have a transparent background. Submitter ceason1987 Submitted 05/01/2020 Category Other Artwork Submissions Resolution Various Naming Game Name File Count 0
  24. Version 2.0.0


    This is a complete set of 2D carts for all official releases on the SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color. I have set the background colour to one which is easily changeable as it doesn't blent in with the images so you can choose whatever colour you want to change it to should you wish to do so.
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