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Explanation of Member Classes - Updated 09/2015


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I am excited to announce a new user class, Advanced Member. The Advanced Member class is being introduced to encourage and reward Basic Members who participate in our community. Once a Basic Member hits 20 approved posts (No Spam or Bumping) they will automatically be promoted to Advanced Member which gives you more daily downloads and bandwidth in our Download Section without having to donate. Below is the new breakdown of our user classes.  

Basic Members

  • 384kb/s bandwidth cap
  • 1 Gigabyte data transfer per day
  • Basic Access to Download Service (Artwork Only, 250mb/day cap)
  • Access to 240p Video Content

Advanced Members (20 forum posts)

  • 500kb/s bandwidth cap
  • 1.5 Gigabytes data transfer per day
  • Basic Access to Download Service (Artwork Only, 250mb/day cap)
  • Access to 240p Video Content

Supporting Members / Lifetime Members (Donated to the Site)

  • Download unlimited files per day
  • No bandwidth cap
  • No transfer cap
  • Full Access to F.T.P. File Server
  • Full Access to Download Service (Artwork and Videos)
  • Access to 480p Video Content

Content Contributors / Developers / Elite Members

  • Download unlimited files per day
  • No bandwidth cap
  • No transfer cap
  • Full Access to F.T.P. File Server
  • Full Access to Download Service (Artwork and Videos)
  • Access to 480p Video Content


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I like this new concept but it will be hard for most because of time consumed to download files. Would there be a Contributing Class as some might want to upload artwork and how would they be rewarded for their contributions? I know we need more forum posts. But do you think that the site could handle it if it did. The topics are very limiting. It is kinda sad you know a lot of views and not one single post to say thank you.

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That's pretty generous that the bar is set so low at only posts. I would've thought it would be at least 150 or so.


20 Makes sense, seeing as most people wouldn't have much to say until there actually able to use the full service.  Does "approved" just mean it can't be flagged or does it have to be liked?

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So if u read this right, in order to get videos without paying I have to manually download them? Because of the flashy intro to this site, its very confusing as to where to start and go. I wonder if that's to keep people out unless they need it.


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