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Feedback: How do you like the new look?


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I can say that the site now is so slow so it's barely usable. Tried it both on my work computer (2 year old dual core) and my home computer (quad core, pretty fast). Explorer 7 at work hanged. Tried in Opera, Firefox, Chrome and IE. Sluggish in all.

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I need some more feedback on this slowness thing, the site is zipping right along for me. Curious if it's a consistant problem or if it was because they were doing some more backend maintenance on the server this morning.

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Works great for me with no sluggishness as others have reported, looks good as well, but I've become way too attached to the previous look. xD

I just received the new version of the old skin, I will be adding it back as an option. There is currently this theme (dark) a basic white one (light) and a mobile one. I will be adding the old one back as classic.

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Slow for me too. Personally I'd like the background More transparent, maybe it's just me but this kind of stuff makes print hard to read /distracting

Noted, I'm working on some new backgrounds, the cool thing is members can switch (once installed between multiple backgrounds) do me a favor, on the slowness, please switch to the "light" theme and see if it still happens. Not sure if its a server thing or a site thing.

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Yeah please add back the older theme...while I didn't find the old one ideal...it seems far more usable than the Dark one...and Light is kind of boring but usable.

I haven't noticed any sluggishness in the site. I'm using the latest FF 3x build on an older AMD X2 3500, with a standard cable connection.

You might also want to look into creating conditional CSS for the color markup of user groups dependent upon what theme is being used. Light with my user group color (yellow) doesn't offer enough contrast...and thus blends in with the background color.

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Made some pretty drastic changes to the site today and I am interested in any feedback you guys may have. Do you like the new look?

Not too sluggish for me, running Google Chrome. Like the new background, and recent videos at the top.

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I like it but I feel there is not enough contrast. I see many diff greys and it's all blending together to me and hard to easily pick out diff sections of the page.

Have you tried changing backgrounds using the background picker? I am working on adding some orange in but it's taking some doing.

EDIT: I got some signiture orange back in the site for the section titles, does that help?

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The light theme is lightning fast, so i'll stick with that one!

If you are using the light theme, make sure to change the chat theme to default instead of dark. It's the first button on the bottom left of the page.

It's weird I still have yet to experience any slowdown with the "dark" theme. Spent about 8 hours today tweaking it. Starting to look like the old site again, just more advanced.

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If you are using the light theme, make sure to change the chat theme to default instead of dark. It's the first button on the bottom left of the page.

It's weird I still have yet to experience any slowdown with the "dark" theme. Spent about 8 hours today tweaking it. Starting to look like the old site again, just more advanced.

It does seem to load faster with the light vs dark theme.

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It does seem to load faster with the light vs dark theme.

There is going to be a little bit of a speed hit, the dark is extremely complicated compared to the basic light. For most everyone I have talked to the speed seems fine however and I just love the expanded functionality. I have spent almost 20 hours tweaking things here and there and I believe I have address most if not all of the usability issues brought up so far.

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SO I have to throw this out there, who's it working at a decent speed for? and if it's slow what are you running. I will also install two other themes in the next few days, A light but fancy one that will not be as resource intensive as the new dark theme and another light theme that is extremely streamlined and basic for those of you that prefer that. The original theme that we were using up until a few days ago will be retired because of some restrictions that wont work with the new site design. The current light (basic) theme is only tempoary until the others are installed. Since they are both much simpler than our new theme I don't think the time investment will be too bad.

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