Files From Subcategories
emumovies official OpenBOR Video Snap Pack (SQ)
By Circo
EmuMovies Official Video Snap Collection for OpenBOR
Standard Quality - Site, FTP, Sync High Quality - FTP, Sync
High Quality
Standard Quality
High Quality
(FTP, Sync)
Resolution 854x480 / 640x480 Video Count 223 Total Size 1.18GB Frame Rate 60 Audio 192 kbit/s Standard Quality
(Site, FTP, Sync)
Resolution 426x240 / 320x240 Video Count 223 Total Size 417MB Frame Rate 30 Audio 128 kbit/s12,257 downloads
Plate Form video themes
By pademonium
Hello guys, Back today I propose you something Big!
I worked in close collaboration with an artist who created a Blender of the Super disc (a commercial version of the MSU prototype) based on the latest statements from the developers as well as on the design of the Satellaview (extension of the Super Famicom, marketed only in Japan from 1995)
New logo once again based on the official acronym of the official super disc used by the developers at the time!
In short, nothing was left to chance and I think it is the cleanest version that a commercial and definitive version of the console could have given!
Even Secret of Mana is not a coincidence since it was the launch title planned for the release of the machine on day one!
the creation of these media does not call into question all the work of the guys who are based on the msu logo (which was the prototype) but now leaves the choice and brings a new alternative for those who want it. Go towards the charter "logo prototype msu" or "the Super disc"
This representation of the super disc is definitely the most beautiful and realistic of the proposals
Everyone will choose which charter to go for according to their tastes!
I leave you some media for those who would like to open a construction site!
Here is my theme which will also be shared in the batocera community.
For the History/
of the MSU In the early 90s, many video game manufacturers saw the relatively new CD medium as a way to expand the capabilities of their existing consoles, and Nintendo had planned a CD expansion for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Originally planned and developed in cooperation with Sony, Nintendo later turned to Phillips to carry out the project, but no finished product ever saw the light of day.
Sony, offended by Nintendo, developed the Playstation to commercial maturity, and Phillips released the CD-I independently (which did not do well at all, by the way).
But if history had taken a different course, perhaps we would all remember the Nintendo Super Disc today.
The Channel :
For support all my project and more content :
- pademonium
- pademonium cinematics
- (and 4 more)
Playlist 80's Movies
By pademonium
The kind of video that we don't see very often around here! And yet God knows there are a lot of them who are from this generation!
I'm sure it will please some people 🙂
If you broadcast the video on a channel
Just credit me on principle, thanks in advance! 😉
The video is different and there are only film clips. the one which is broadcast below I used it for a trailer
The Channel :
For support all my project and more content :
Le genre de vidéo qu'on ne voit pas très souvent par ici ! Et pourtant Dieu sait qu’ils sont nombreux à être issus de cette génération !
Je suis sûr que cela plaira à certaines personnes 🙂
Si vous diffusez la vidéo sur une chaîne
Créditez-moi simplement par principe, merci d'avance !
*La vidéo est différente et il n'y a que des extraits de film . celle qui est diffusée en dessous je m'en été servis pour une bande annonce
Animated Marquee ( mvs)
By pademonium
The section does not exist, I have it or it seemed right to me 😛 If the moderators want to move them, don't hesitate
Here is a small panel of animated marquees that I designed with my friend salt trader! If anyone of you can use this or if you want more let me know I will upload more!
I'll give you a little live presentation of salt trader so you can see the results (it runs on hyperspin)
Castlevania Ultima Collection
By pademonium
Castlevania Ultima is already 2 years old!
But what is it ?
A slightly crazy project like all the ultima editions that I designed
An entire bigbox dedicated to castlevania bringing together the best from all media
And for his birthday I thought it was time to share a little piece of it with you.
Don't expect expeditiousness!
These are themes made to be listened to and looked at!
I don't know about you but for my part, the melodies of Castlevania have always given me goosebumps, it must be said that they are renowned for their qualities but not only that!
The series navigates between different climates and musical genres, without ever losing the thread of the melody...
in that
Creating unique music is an integral part of the series and the myth it illustrates.
It was never shared (I was not given time)😅
I'm happy to share them here with you
Here are the first 2 themes of a long series!
Castlevania Ultima is available on my patreon
- castlevania
- collection
- (and 1 more)
Pinball FX3 Virtual Machines Pack
By RetroNi
Virtual Pinball Machine Pack for Pinball FX3, based on the PinballUSA Pinball FX Championship Edition virtual machine.
video snaps Pinball FX2 Flyby Videos
By RetroNi
Flyby videos for all 77 tables that are available in Pinball FX2
Most of the videos are also valid in Pinball FX3 as well.
(File List) Pinball FX2 (Flyby Videos)(RetroNi 1.0).txt
High Quality
(FTP, Sync)
Resolution 640x480 Video Count 77 Total Size 4.26 GB Frame Rate 60 Audio 192 kbit/s Standard Quality
(Site, FTP, Sync)
Resolution 320x240 Video Count 807 Total Size 1.05 GB Frame Rate 30 Audio 128 kbit/s
platform videos Pinball FX2 Unified Platform Video
By RetroNi
Themed Platform Intro Video for Pinball FX2
Pinball FX3 Unified Platform Video
By RetroNi
Themed Platform Intro Video for Pinball FX3
virtual machines The Pinball Arcade Virtual Machines Pack
By RetroNi
Virtual Pinball Machine Pack for The Pinball Arcade, based on the PinballUSA Pinball FX Championship Edition virtual machine.
(File List) Pinball Arcade (Virtual Machines)(RetroNi 1.0).txt
gameplay snaps The Pinball Arcade Gameplay Snaps Pack
By RetroNi
Gameplay Snaps Pack for The Pinball Arcade
(File List) Pinball Arcade (Gameplay Snaps)(RetroNi 1.0).txt
virtual machines Pinball FX2 Virtual Machines Pack
By RetroNi
Virtual Pinball Machine Pack for Pinball FX2 , based on the PinballUSA Pinball FX Championship Edition virtual machine.
(File List) Pinball FX2 (Virtual Machines)(RetroNi 1.0).txt
gameplay snaps Pinball FX2 Gameplay Snaps Pack
By RetroNi
Gameplay Snaps Pack for Pinball FX2
(File List) Pinball FX2 (Gameplay Snaps)(RetroNi 1.0).txt
logos Pinball FX2 Table Logos Pack
By RetroNi
Table Logos Pack for Pinball FX2
(File List) Pinball FX2 (Table Logos)(RetroNi 1.0).txt
video themes Touhou Project HyperSpin Video Themes (4x3) (HQ)
By CriticalCid
HyperSpin Video Themes Pack for the TouHou Project (4x3) (HQ)
Availability: High Definition - FTP & Sync / High Quality - Site & FTP
Thanks to the HyperSpin team for allowing EmuMovies to host these themes in video format
High Definition
(FTP, Sync)
Resolution 1440x1080 Video Count 26 Total Size 424MB Frame Rate 60 Audio 192 kbit/s High Quality
(Site, FTP)
Resolution 960x720 Video Count 26 Total Size 234MB Frame Rate 30 Audio 192 kbit/s
Apple II Bezel
First time making a Bezel. For use with rocketlauncher and AppleWin emulator. Black bars in the bezel are to hide the window outline of the emulator when running with a bezel in rocketlauncher.
Retroarch Console Themed Overlays
By Orionsangel
These custom console themed overlays were made by me to play retro console games on Retroarch. I wanted these overlays to evoke a nostalgic feeling. Please enjoy and have fun. Please give me credit if you use it on your channel. Thanks. Please keep in mind these videos are not walkthroughs they're just quick samples to show the overlays.
Best System Intro Movie
By PJBatter
I took the best of most of the best intro videos out there that I could find. I liked some of each, so I compiled them all together. This is what I use to open my frontend (MameWah and Hyperspin - even though it says Mame at the begining). I thought I'd share. Major props go out to the original creators of each video. They are way more talented than I am. I hope they don't mind.
ResidualVM Default Platform Video (HD/HQ)
By Circo
EmuMovies Official Default Platform Video for ResidualVM
High Quality - Site, FTP & Sync
High Definition - Site, FTP & Sync
Infocom Z-System Unified Platform Video
Infocom Z-System Unified Platform Video
Availability: High Definition - Site, FTP, Sync
emumovies official ResidualVM Title Snaps Pack
By Circo
EmuMovies Official Title Snaps Pack for ResidualVM
Availability - Site, FTP
emumovies official ResidualVM Gameplay Snaps Pack
By Circo
EmuMovies Official Gameplay Snaps Pack for ResidualVM
Availability - Site, FTP
emumovies official ResidualVM Game Manuals Pack
By Circo
EmuMovies Official Game Manuals Pack for ResidualVM
Availability - Site, FTP
emumovies official ResidualVM Video Snap Pack (SQ)
By Circo
EmuMovies Official Video Snap Collection for ResidualVM
High Definition
Resolution 1440x1080 Video Count 3 Total Size 42.6MB High Quality
Resolution 640x480 Video Count 3 Total Size 20.8MB Standard Quality
(Site, FTP)
Resolution 320x240 Video Count 3 Total Size 5.27MB Captures, Edits & Encoding by @Circo
Touhou Project Artwork Pack for RocketLauncher
By gooch
Touhou Project Artwork Pack for use with RocketLauncher
Unzip to your RocketLauncher Media Folder
Games Supported: 29
About RocketLauncher
RocketLauncher is not just a launch solution. RocketLauncher is an abstraction layer that ultimately sets the standard in emulators and standardizes key mapping commands. HyperPause is the dream of any emulator menu. The modules break the barriers of compatibility. Rom Mapping solved the lives of collectors. RocketLauncher is definitely the last word in matters of emulators. The choice of Front End has become a matter of mere affinity for design. And besides, you are not forced to follow a single solution, like MESS, you keep using your favorite emulator.