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(OT) My absence

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As you may have noticed I have not been on these boards, as frequently as I have used to be. This holds true with other boards too that I frequent. I have had a lot of personal tragedy lately.

It all seems like a blur now but I am still living it. First off, I live in Southern California. Like the rest of the USA unemployment is at an all time high. Thank god I still have my job. However both my wifes parents lost thier job. So to make things easier we moved from our condo in with them to help.

My wifes grandma also lived with us, she died 4 weeks ago from a massive heart attack. It came all of a sudden and was a shock to all. She was in great health for her age.

Now my wifes mother is having heart problems, no job= no insurance. She cannot qualify for medicare because on unemployment she makes too much money. EG 1200 dollars a month. However that wont even cover the morgage, or even begin to cover utilities.

Now my wife and I both work, and my wifes mother watches the kids. With her being in the hospital I have had to re-think baby sitting arrangments. Child care is expensive and I am so blessed other family members and friends have stepped up and helped out.

It seems that there is so much going on, working full time, going to school full time in the evenings ( I graduate with my AA in september) and all this personal drama I am just to wore out to enjoy emulation.

I have been lurking, not signing in. I just feel guilty. Im so used to contributing, something.

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Man don't even worry about it. You need to take care of yourself personally. I am truly sorry for what's going on right now, and hopefully things will get better soon. I too am in SoCal; San Diego actually, and I get how the job scene is. Hell, I haven't found a job since October 2008!! Just try to make the best of what you can and when the time is right, I know we'll see you again. Thank you for all of your past contributions and I hope for the best for you and all of our struggling Emumovies and HS members.

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I'm very sorry to hear this, seems as if you life really got turned upside down. Feeling guilty for not contributing should really be your least concern. Thank you for telling us whats up, I noticed you stopped anwsering my PM:s (You made a VirtualBoy wrapper for me last time we spoke) and was actually a little worried. I hope you'll be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel soon.

Best wishes from Sweden!

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You don't have to feel guilty Brian. Now your real life deserves all your attention, we will obviously miss your contributions but there is always a hierarchy in things, and this hobby for most of us should not be anywhere on the top, giving your situation. As you have been told, stay strong, I have passed some really bad months too recently, but you'll see all your issues sorted out eventually, sooner than you may think.

Take care.

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