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Utility to generate map files


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I have a bunch of ROMs that are named pretty close to the correct cartridge name and I want to generate a map file so that GameEx will display the correct name. I looked around for a bit for a utility that could accomplish this task and didn't find one.

So, I wrote one. You point it to a directory of ROMs and a file that contains cartridge names, one per line, and it will find the closest match in that set for each ROM. It matches every ROM name and provides a certainty quotient that you can then use to remove some of the less accurate mappings. You can also manually alter a match.

The algorithms used focus more on finding an accurate match than on efficiency so larger data sets can take a bit to process.

If anybody has any interest in the source code, contact me.

This is not something that I am planning to maintain, but I figured it might be useful to someone out there.

EDIT: I had tried to attach the executable, but that didn't seem to work out.

EDIT 2: Attached executable. CartMapGenerator.zip

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