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Difference between the website and FTP?

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I have a fairly large list of missing artwork for the systems I am emulating.  For most systems this is just a handful of titles, but for some systems entire sections (like GBA Logos) are missing.

Is there a bigger selection on the FTP?

Is there a normal process to request missing artwork/vids?

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17 hours ago, latreides said:

I have a fairly large list of missing artwork for the systems I am emulating.  For most systems this is just a handful of titles, but for some systems entire sections (like GBA Logos) are missing.

Is there a bigger selection on the FTP?

Is there a normal process to request missing artwork/vids?

I'm not sure about your question but I have over 1000 wheel logos for gba, I was doing a little update last night.

maybe your talking about other logos. The Hyperspin site has plenty of artwork 

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9 hours ago, Thatman84 said:

I'm not sure about your question but I have over 1000 wheel logos for gba, I was doing a little update last night.

maybe your talking about other logos. The Hyperspin site has plenty of artwork 

There are no GBA Logos here:


There is not even an entry for them in "Available Media" on the GBA section of the EmuMovies Sync app.

So my question was, is there a bigger selection on the FTP (as opposed to the website and the sync app).

My question was a little more general than just GBA though.  I have a handful of titles for each platform that are missing cover art, logos, or videos and I wanted to know if I subscribe, will the FTP contain the missing resources, or is it just a mirror of the Sync and Website?

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Ah ok, one of the admins will need to clear that up.

There are a bunch of unofficial user uploads that are on tbe ftp. Not mich for GBA 

All there is for official is....




Checked all user artwork subs and nothing extra.

I probably got mine from Hypersync on hyperspin downloads.

There is always going to be gaps...not enough contributers to complete everything :(

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An ancillary question, are the videos on the FTP the same as the videos on the website, other than being a higher resolution?

After downloading a few hundred videos, I have noticed that many are pretty good videos, either showing the core aspect of a game, or fading between many different parts of a game; but some are just phoned in (ex: 30 seconds of walking on the "over world" map on a tactics game, no flash of combat).  Is this an artifact of them being the free downloads?  Is there more thought put into the paid videos, or are they just higher resolution? 

I don't mean to sound ungrateful, I just want to know if its worth subscribing.  I don't mind paying for the time and effort that these take.

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