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Need a Free frontend with controller support


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Im new to frontends and im looking free good looking frontend with all game support in pc (steam) controller support (so kids can play), something like launchbox bigbox (without the cost), I would have liked to buy bigbox but the fee is a little high for us.

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RetroFE is free, though if you wish to make any front-end look good you'll probably need to invest in a membership here at EmuMovies. You can find most art for free at the HyperSpin site these days, but EmuMovies is still the site to go for when you want game play videos showing in your front-end.

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4 hours ago, sking said:

Im new to frontends and im looking free good looking frontend with all game support in pc (steam) controller support (so kids can play), something like launchbox bigbox (without the cost), I would have liked to buy bigbox but the fee is a little high for us.

If you're looking for something relatively easy to set up, then BigBox is definitely worth the investment. RetroFe and AttractMode require a little bit of work with the configurations but they are also excellent once you get them up and running :) Also, like Phulshof mentioned, a membership in emumovies will be necessary to get a lot of the artwork, or if you don't need the movies, then you can download most of the artwork with launchbox/bigbox

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Thanks, what about emulation station ?


also is the latest HyperSpin  have any improvements ?

11 hours ago, JesseBlue said:

Launchbox has controller support even in the free version.  :)

Thats good to know, but i assume i can only change the theme in big box ?

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I would say to try and suck down the cost of LaunchBox premium, it is really worth the investment at only $20 for updates for a whole year, and if you don't feel like you need the updates after the subscription expires, you don't even have to renew it!

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