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Download Failed - Network Error + Login Issue


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I've been attempting to download the Sega Genesis video snaps for a few days and keep running into an error message.  


After the error, I attempt to try again but can't due to my cap but unfortunately didn't actually download anything at all.



Side note as well, something interesting with my login has been happening recently.  At the top right of the site where it normally shows your username with a down arrow (▼) icon.  I've noticed that its showing other usernames, I actually sign out and sign back in and the username changes to someone else.  I've cleared my cache and it was still happening but just this last time seems to have stopped.

Thanks for any help with this!  

Edit:  Just happened again when returning to the site from a new tab.


I clicked on forums and it changed back!


Could this be related to the download issue or should I create a separate thread for this?  weird..

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26 minutes ago, kci79 said:

Something is still wrong, I've cleared my cache but now posting as a different user.  :confused:

This was me posting but not from my own account, I won't post like this again but wanted to show its still happening. 


When this happens the site loads pages very slowly if at all and I've actually got an error message as well.


I am using Chrome and cleared cache, also confirmed its happening on Microsoft Edge.   I hope this helps! 

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