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New Mortal Kombat movie

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Guest Ninja Rygar

This is the same Stupid nonsense Hollywood always does with video game movies and people usually hate them for it. Change everything so it has barely anything to do with the game. So why is this garbage being praised everywhere I look?

If this actually came out, people would hate it. But because it's a short, trailer... they're ok with it. The original Mortal Kombat movie is usually praised for being close to the games, more so than any other video game based movie anyway.

Long story short, I want them to stop making shit like this. I want game based movies to be actually based off the game, and not just NAMED after them.

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Dang, Ninja you got some serious feelings about video game movies! LOL! I agree though. Poor Street Figher movie, Bloodrayne movie, Far Cry movie, Hitman, Max Payne..... long list. This looks interesting though, I'll see it if it hits dvd.

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This is the same Stupid nonsense Hollywood always does with video game movies and people usually hate them for it. Change everything so it has barely anything to do with the game. So why is this garbage being praised everywhere I look?

If this actually came out, people would hate it. But because it's a short, trailer... they're ok with it. The original Mortal Kombat movie is usually praised for being close to the games, more so than any other video game based movie anyway.

Long story short, I want them to stop making shit like this. I want game based movies to be actually based off the game, and not just NAMED after them.

Here is link to the person who made it. It is not in productions, but rather it was created by a fan. http://artsbeat.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/06/15/mortal-kombat-reloaded-a-directors-quest-to-remake-a-game-to-movie-franchise/?src=mv

Ironically, he pans the first Mortal Kombat for casting Christopher Lambert in the role of Raiden. Probably one of the best movies, but it still took licenses and veered away from the game.

Older video games don't really translate into movies. What can you really do with Street Fighter, or Mortal Kombat that would deviate from the 35 year old Enter the Dragon? Newer games have a lot more story elements, older games writers and directors have to be more creative. Kind of hard to nail the essence of Pac man. That's why there is a franchise on Resident Evil movies and not Frogger movies.

I agree most translations are crap and Uwe Boll's movies are the worst. House of the Dead was one of the worst movies that I ever sat through.

I still would be interested in where this director/writer would take the film since he actually is familiar with the game and characters. I believe a good movie is a good movie. If he ties everything together in a coherent, character driven action flick, then I thing gamers will give him a pass with the creative licenses.

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