Files From Subcategories
emumovies official Sony PlayStation Video Snaps Pack (SQ)
By Circo
EmuMovies Official Video Snap Collection for the Sony PlayStation
Captures & Edits by @Circo, @DamnedRegistrations, @Audi85, @fdmc732, @koravain, @Riffman81
Final Edits & Encoding by @Circo
High Quality
(FTP, Sync)
Resolution 640x480 Video Count 2,104 Total Size 12.8GB Standard Quality
(Site, FTP, Sync)
Resolution 320x240 Video Count 2,104 Total Size 4.23GB
Battle Arena Toushinden 2 Plus (Japan).mp4
High Quality Sample
Battle Arena Toushinden 2 Plus (Japan).mp4
Standard Quality Sample
Sony PlayStation Artwork Pack for RocketLauncher
By gooch
Sony PlayStation Artwork Pack for use with RocketLauncher
Unzip to your RocketLauncher Media Folder
Games Supported: 1,808
About RocketLauncher
RocketLauncher is not just a launch solution. RocketLauncher is an abstraction layer that ultimately sets the standard in emulators and standardizes key mapping commands. HyperPause is the dream of any emulator menu. The modules break the barriers of compatibility. Rom Mapping solved the lives of collectors. RocketLauncher is definitely the last word in matters of emulators. The choice of Front End has become a matter of mere affinity for design. And besides, you are not forced to follow a single solution, like MESS, you keep using your favorite emulator.
Sony PlayStation Manuals Pack for RocketLauncher
By gooch
Sony PlayStation Manuals Pack for use with RocketLauncher
Unzip to your RocketLauncher Media Folder
Games Supported: 730
About RocketLauncher
RocketLauncher is not just a launch solution. RocketLauncher is an abstraction layer that ultimately sets the standard in emulators and standardizes key mapping commands. HyperPause is the dream of any emulator menu. The modules break the barriers of compatibility. Rom Mapping solved the lives of collectors. RocketLauncher is definitely the last word in matters of emulators. The choice of Front End has become a matter of mere affinity for design. And besides, you are not forced to follow a single solution, like MESS, you keep using your favorite emulator.
Sony PlayStation 3D Boxes Pack
By WallyWonka
3D Boxes for the Sony PlayStation
Availability - Site, FTP, Sync
All USA and EUROPE 2D box arts, no JAPAN boxes. All USA covers use the original release cover, no Greatest Hits covers included.
PlayStation 3D Boxes Pack (DVD Case)
By Bigby
3D Boxes Pack (DVD Case) for the Sony PlayStation
Availability - Site, FTP
Sony PlayStation 2D Box Pack
By WallyWonka
2D Boxes Pack for the Sony PlayStation
Availability - Site, FTP, Sync
All USA and EUROPE 2D box arts, no JAPAN boxes. All USA covers use the original release cover, no Greatest Hits covers included.
If you would like to help make this collection better, please submit missing or replacement media in our Submissions Area
Upgraded members can also download this collection via our FTP File Server and our EmuMovies Sync application
PlayStation Default Platform Video (4x3) (HQ)
EmuMovies Official Default Platform Video for the Sony PlayStation
High Quality - Site, FTP, Sync
High Quality
Upgraded members can also download this collection via our FTP File Server and our EmuMovies Sync application
- sony playstation
- system intros
- (and 6 more)
PlayStation Unified Alt-1 Platform Video (16x9) (HD)
By CriticalCid
Themed System Intro Video (Platform) for the Sony PlayStation
Availability - Site, FTP, Sync
- playstation
- unified
- (and 5 more)
PlayStation Unified Platform Video (16x9) (HD)
By CriticalCid
Themed System Intro Video (Platform) for the Sony PlayStation
Availability - Site, FTP, Sync
- playstation
- unified
- (and 4 more)
Retroarch - Tomb Raider III Overlay
By Orionsangel
This custom overlay was made by me to play with the Playstation version of Tomb Raider III on Retroarch. Please enjoy and have fun. Please give me credit if you use it on your channel. Thanks.
Playstation Cfg,
Aspect Ratio Index - Custom
Custom Viewport X - 279
Custom Viewport Y - 34
Custom Viewport Width - 1356
Custom Viewport Height - 1009
Window Scale - 5.0X
Integer Scale - Off
- tomb raider iii
- tomb raider
- (and 6 more)
Retroarch Tomb Raider Overlay
By Orionsangel
This is for fans of overlays and shaders. This custom overlay was made by me to play with the Playstation version of Tomb Raider on Retroarch. Please enjoy and have fun. Please give me credit if you use it on your channel. Thanks.
Playstation Cfg,
Aspect Ratio Index - Custom
Custom Viewport X - 279
Custom Viewport Y - 34
Custom Viewport Width - 1356
Custom Viewport Height - 1009
Window Scale - 5.0X
Integer Scale - Off
- tomb
- playstation
- (and 3 more)
Retroarch - Tomb Raider II Overlay
By Orionsangel
This is for fans of overlays and shaders. This custom overlay was made by me to play with the Playstation version of Tomb Raider II on Retroarch. Please enjoy and have fun. Please give me credit if you use it on your channel. Thanks.
Playstation Cfg,
Aspect Ratio Index - Custom
Custom Viewport X - 279
Custom Viewport Y - 34
Custom Viewport Width - 1356
Custom Viewport Height - 1009
Window Scale - 5.0X
Integer Scale - Off