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About Serkun

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  1. I have a good collection of PS2 Japanese games, so I would begin with this one...
  2. I have made this video, would this compression be a good one (it is compressed to a 4 mb video 1080p 60fps) or does the community need a specific one? https://1fichier.com/?afgmuzagow35xrrf1iaz Password: 123
  3. Hi all, I'd like to contribute with video snaps for systems like SNES, MSX (enormous lack of video snaps for this system), PS2, PS3... I am quite into Japanese games as I speak Japanese (I am no Japanese native, I am Spanish), and I was asking myself if the community thinks it would be interesting to get videos for those games, those not many people play, but which are fascinating, and would complete the video snaps sets. Please answer so that I can get an idea how to do it PS: Here are two video snaps I did for a PS2 and an MSX2 title, it needs editing, but you tell me if they are interesting video snaps to have. https://youtu.be/vwS4SkOdxSs https://youtu.be/RVYy3_gY0SI
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