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Nintendo DS Updated (6 Videos)


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Midway through our Nintendo updates is the Nintendo DS which receives 6 new video snaps. This brings the set to 1,348 video snaps in total. Thanks again to DamnedRegistrations for the submissions.


Video Snaps Added - 3 (DamnedRegistrations)

  • 11 Card Games (Europe)
  • Animal Life - Africa (Europe)
  • Animal Life - Dinosaurs (Europe)
  • Animal Life - Eurasia (Europe)
  • Animal Life - North America (Europe)
  • Beauty Academy (Europe)
Video Snap Pack [240p] 20150209
Last Updated Sep 06 2015 10:09 PM

EmuMovies DSU 2.2
Last Updated Jan 26 2015 12:01 AM

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Can't find these on ftp, did you upload the 480 versions?


Also sorry for doing only a few videos here and there for so many different systems, was just filling in missing gaps. Still a bunch more in my folder plus those new main menu vids. Seems like a pain to make announcement topics for each one though. You should have some kind of automated message system in place so you don't need to make these on top of having to finalize and upload all the vids too.

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