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Atari Jaguar Videos Updated (15 Videos)


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Recently Atari Jaguar emulation has improved and many more games are now playable. 15 new videos were added. Thanks to member DamnedRegistrations for the submissions.

Videos Added/Replaced

  • Atari Karts (World)
  • Defender 2000 (World)
  • Evolution - Dino Dudes (World)
  • Fight for Life (World)
  • Kasumi Ninja (World)
  • NBA Jam T.E. (World)
  • Protector - Special Edition (World)
  • Rayman (World)
  • SuperCross 3D (World)
  • Syndicate (World)
  • Tempest 2000 (World)
  • Total Carnage (World)
  • Trevor McFur in the Crescent Galaxy (World)
  • Worms (World)
  • Zero 5 (World)

EmuMovies DSU 2.00
Last Updated Mar 02 2014 05:03 PM

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OK. I made a post some time ago about Jaguar Videos. I mentioned some games that could be redone with better audio. Take a look if you want. I remember that the Rayman video is lacking all sound. Good job on these by the way.


I can't figure out how to post a link and I can't paste it either.


It's called "Many more games playable with latest Virtual Jaguar GIT release.





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