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Random password reset email?


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"For security reasons, the administrator of EmuMovies has required you to reset your password."

I thought this email was suspicious but I knew I have an account here, so went with it. Turns out it's legit. Still seems weird to get an email like this. Anyone else get it? Anyone know what the deal is

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45 minutes ago, NOMAD0P said:

"For security reasons, the administrator of EmuMovies has required you to reset your password."

I thought this email was suspicious but I knew I have an account here, so went with it. Turns out it's legit. Still seems weird to get an email like this. Anyone else get it? Anyone know what the deal is

Typically happens once a year, it’s scheduled.

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I received the email as well. Requiring a password change isn’t ideal, as I’ll need to update it across all applications that rely on EmuMovies. Moreover, recent studies indicate that routine password changes don’t enhance security; they can actually have the opposite effect. Many organizations have moved away from enforcing periodic password updates for their users


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Same happened to me as well. Instead of this "yearly routing password change" thing just make a long password mandatory. not 8 characters but minimally 12 and no you don't need to enforce letters+numbers+capital letter+special character requirement. They add less than going from 8 to 12 characters minimally to brute force. Else you still get easy stuff like Cap1tal! True strength is length and yes adding the others does help quite a but it's length that is makes it truly strong.

Also another funny thing I could simply use the same password I used to before to set it again. So this reset accomplishes absolutely nothing.

Third point. The email has obfuscated link in it which A marks it as spam and B make people think of it as spam. So all in all this really is a bad approach from all angles you look at it.

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