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Grass Roots Campaign: Need Your Help!


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You might not be aware but in addition to creating these videos running this site and working on the HyperSpin website I also do a weekly podcast called Tales From the Crate.  It's not video game related but we focus On music, Beer and Vinyl and being a little crazy.  To get noticed on iTunes really takes a grass roots effort if your not already famous and I am hoping to leverage the user base of this community to jumpstart the show.  Ratings, Reviews and Subscriptions really drive the rankings on itunes.  All I am asking is 30 seconds of your time.  If you have an iTunes account if you could at least rate the show and subscribe I would be eternally grateful.  If your feeling really generous with your time you could even leave a quick review and we will give you a shout out on our next episode.


Here are the links:


Tales From The Crate Podcast on iTunes

Tales From The Crate Podcast on Stitcher

Tales From The Crate Homepage on Groovepods.com

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Sorry I don't have an iTunes account.  I tried the other two links but they seem not to work anymore.  I am also an avid lover of Vinyl.  Probably about 400+ in my collection now.  Is there another way I can support this and get the podcast?

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On 5/4/2016 at 3:26 PM, corvette4evr said:

Sorry I don't have an iTunes account.  I tried the other two links but they seem not to work anymore.  I am also an avid lover of Vinyl.  Probably about 400+ in my collection now.  Is there another way I can support this and get the podcast?

Looks like it is here.  http://groovepods.com/tftc/

Found that using search in beyond pod for android.

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