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Nintendo GameCube Video Snaps Completed


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It is with a lot of relief that I can finally announce that we have a complete Nintendo Gamecube video snap set. The final includes 566 playable game videos and 69 "Not Playable" videos. Of course as Dolphin improves I will replace the non-playable vids with normal video snaps. The High Quality versions are available via our FTP and Download Service and normal quality [240p] versions can be found in our download section.


Videos Included In Set


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nice work circo thank you  :thumbsup:


i just finished down loading all the old ones 2 days ago as well, will i need to download all of these again or are there just certain ones been renewed or added, if so can you list whats been upped/updated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh that's great news, not that I'll have time to play any games now! Sorry I didn't get to help you finish but my wife had our first kid (a boy) a few months back and it's sucked most of my energy away. At any rate, I'll try to improve on some of the stuttery ones when I upgrade later this year. Good Job! :goodjob:

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