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3D Arcade Settings Editor

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So the title says it all, well not really but there it is ^^


I've been working on an external program that takes care of the common setup issues people seem to have with the 3D Arcade frontend.

The 3D Arcade forum is not the most visited/popular place on the internet right now so I though I'd make a post here.

It has video support so I think it's appropriate...


Maybe the setup part is why it's not very popular amongst other frontends, or maybe it's not... But either way, here is the link were you can find a snapshot, a video preview (from an earlier beta) and a little bit of documentation for the program.




I hope it'll be of some use.





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It is not a new frontend as it's been around since 2002. Nowadays its mostly known for the 3D part where you can walk around in an arcade like a first person shooter and launch games by looking at a cab and hit start, and also known for its somewhat difficult configuration process.


The frontend itself has its website here: http://www.mameworld.info/3darcade/


How it looks by default can be seen here: http://www.mameworld.info/3darcade/frontend/defaultskin.html


Additional arcades: http://www.mameworld.info/3darcade/arcades/arcades.htm


Additional skins: http://www.mameworld.info/3darcade/skins/skins.htm


There hasn't been much updates since except for some obscure features that haven't been "explored" since now, by myself in fact :)


You can see how my pinball skin looks at 1680x1050 resolution and higher on a wheel style menu:




and FPS style menu:




I have my own snap gallery with some screens of the new hd skins that are available, some images here: http://postimg.org/gallery/6qierue2/


And a youtube channel with some of the stuff I've been working on the past 3 or 4 months: https://www.youtube.com/user/Skurdt13


There are other videos using the default skin on youtube as well, simply search for 3D Arcade or 3DArcade.


If you never visited the forum, you get prompted by a white page with some dutch text, this is to accept browser cookies, you simply have to click on the blue button.



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Updated to v1.02.


Feel free to add that to our downloads section.  Nice work


There hasn't been enough testing (I mean besides mine) to make it there I think, it's also pretty specific I'm not sure what section it should go in ^^

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