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N64 videos for games incorrectly tagged as "not playable"


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I noticed that there are many more "not playable" videos in the N64 section than they should. Many games like Turok 1, Rayman 2, Starshot, Donald, Pokemon, Dark Rift and many others are tagged as unplayable even though they are perfectly playable with many different emulators, some are almost perfect even. There are also some games that are playable with some special or less known emulators like Top Gear Overdrive which is almost perfect if you use ICE 64 but that's going too far i guess. Strangely enough, Vigilante 8 games, both giving many troubles in most setups and emulators, have proper videos.


Is it possible that we see videos for all the games that are indeed playable? If you guys have trouble with games that are normally playable use this guide i posted below, it has the best setups for each game individually. Its not mine and its also a bit old, there are now some even better setups but these are still good enough.


If you want to do some of the videos and any game gives you trouble ask here for help, i know N64 emulation inside out.

Thanks in advance.


Credits to Bighead for the guide.

N64 Configurations.rar

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There are also some games that are playable with some special or less known emulators like Top Gear Overdrive which is almost perfect if you use ICE 64 but that's going too far i guess.


This is not going too far and is definitely the kind of important info that should be posted, if the person doing the videos knows exactly what emulator should be used for each game it's not that much of an effort to use the correct one to make the capture, unless it involves a lot complex settings and tweaks. So if you know games that will benefit from lesser known emulators please post that info.


That configuration list is great, I was already going to refer to it by the time I start tweaking my N64 wheel. It's also online at http://bmgcl.atspace.cc/n64mgcl/N64ConfigList.htm

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Ok guys thanks for the response, i have done a lot of testing on N64 emulation the last couple of years (since its my favorite system) and i tried to play almost any game in existence as close to perfection as possible (even down to fixing tiny sound errors and crackling), using this guide and some other newer emulators i found. So, even though the guide should be good enough for most games, if ANY game gives you any trouble ask here and i will definitely help. Some games have not been cracked yet like Rogue Squadron, Battle for Naboo, Indiana Jones and a couple of others, it can be sorted out in this topic.


Oh, i wasn't aware the guide is still online, so use this one instead in case the author did any updates.


Tip 1: Like i said, Top Gear Overdrive works with the emulator ICE 64 (and i reckon its the best for Resident Evil 2) its a bit unknown and i don't know its availability so if you want you can use mine (the guide does not mention it because the emu is more recent). Its configured already for this game, i only hope it will work flawlessly on your setup. Check In the cheat options, it should have a certain cheat enabled for Top Gear.


Tip 2: The guide also doesn't mention the 1.7 beta version of Project 64 (that was intended for donators). I do have it and its my default emu but as far as i remember PJ version 1.6 (with the service pack) should be fine as the default emu, along with mupen.


Tip 3: ALWAYS use Glide64 Final as the main graphics plugin (well, you can find this out in the guide) unless a specific game need a different one.

ICE64 v3.7.0(Beta).rar

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Well, its not bad but its not great either. Some games are a little better, others are a little worse. Also, the graphics plugin is still not massively improved and its still inferior to Glide64 Final imo. However, a future RDB update, especially made for this version, will probably improve the emulator a lot (with the best possible Ai and Vi settings) and it may replace 1.6. But right now, i wouldn't get rid of 1.6 just yet.

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If I recall some of those games work in interpter mode on Project 64 like Simpson Bowling  which a vid said game not working. Same goes for pcsx2 with software mode and some with interpeter also like DT Racer


I would sure like to see a list or something  with the setting to get theese games to run. I know its not the main focus here as videos are. but it will probally be the most valuable resource on the net..



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