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rachael colwells bedroom..


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this is my mrs daughters room shes 22 yr old and has no respect for property or other peoples stuff...i have named and shamed her through the amount of time we waste telling her to keep it tidy...i told her i would put it on youtube the next time she does this ,so i did and will continue to do so everytime its a mess....


thx for watching :bunny:

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She is 22.... have you thought of kicking her out of the nest? She has been an adult for four years, I don't really get how this has to be your problem. She can go get her own flat and you can have a shiny new office or something.

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yeah i left home at 18 and got a flat...i just think the kids of today just wanna sponge off you because its an easy life just having to pay £200 a month with a wage of £900-£1,000 per month..its a joke and cant even respect your stuff for amount they pay...they think its a right to be able to mess it up...(well i pay rent it!! its my room!!) thats what reply you get back...

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I feel your pain, I have a 14 year old boy and while his room is sometimes messy I also have a 12 year old girl (13 end of may) who's room is on par with your daughters..... if not worse. I have to cut internet & TV off, and take away phones daily to get them to clean up after themselves. I'd hate to see how they are at my EX wifes house since my EX was a lazy slob as well.......

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hmmm... Have a few mates with kids similar to that... I've got a 19 year old daughter that is the opposite of that and is pretty much a great kid. Happy to have her live in my house. If she was like your daughter I'd give her a month of free rent and a month to find her own place or the other option of doing what I ask. They may come up with the excuse of it being hard to find a place for the money they make and all the houses they find are dirty and old and rundown and blah blah blah. At the end of 2 weeks if they are making excuses I'd go find the place for them and give them a budget. Once they see how much money it costs to live by themselves they quickly change their tune. If they do change their mind they owe back rent for the time you gave them off for free and increase it. My mate did exactly what I said and doubled his kids rent and then put half of it away. At the end of the year he was so annoyed so took the saved money and told his kid to politely bugger off and find a house. :)

Harsh I know but there is a limit to what people can and should take.

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