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Looking for an XML list generator for Hyperspin

Guest icebergslim3000

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Guest icebergslim3000

Starting to set everyting up but I dont want to take a lot of time configuring xml lists. Im looking for an app that will create xml lists based on the roms in my folders. I tried dons hyperlist generator 1.0 but everytime I went to create a list it would only save an empty xml file.

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Guest icebergslim3000

Thanks for the help guys. Hyperrom xml worked great. Hopefully It doesn't take another 2 months to fully set up Hyperspin. My next hurdle will probably be having to rename all my media to match my roms. Is there an app that renames media based on your rom names. Another quick question, is there a way to donate to hyperspin while the site is down so that I can get access to the ftp.

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thanks...are we talking about the videos? correct me if im wrong circo im sure the last time i downloaded the vids it corrected them in the roms download service utility..its been awhile....sure if the name was nearly the same it linked it...i maybe wrong..when i did mine i do everything bit by bit no cutting corners..normally have about 8 windows open at once lol.

about hyperspin i would wait till the site is back up and bill will sort you out for a golden ticket,then you will get great rewards...themes are great so check them out makes a machine and the frontend stand out from the rest...

read this post.. http://emumovies.com/forums/index.php/topic/5375-new-hyperspin-game-list-maker-and-video-images-organizer/

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i think you are talking about clrmamepro, that's a renaming utility using dat files to get the correct or exact rom names that match those that are on the ftp, however i didnt want to rename my roms, so another utility you can use is fatmatch to match your current set of roms/videos/pics with the ones that are on your hyperlist xml... its really preferrence which method you choose... but for emulators like genesis and master system, i had clone games that were hacks and so on, so i wanted to keep them in my set.... but yeah not matter which approach you take good luck, i'm pretty much complete now its its a great feeling, maybe some1 on the forum can give you clrmamepro, but i never used it personally, but u can... ask around i'm sure its floating around, but u'll have to wait for hyperspin to come up to watch the tutorial on how it works, in docs section... :) hope this helps.... good luck...

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