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New Member, 2 days later, still no FTP info...


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I'm not complaining or anything, I was just wondering how long usually takes to get FTP info....

Member and Payment info below:

Subscription Details

Date of sign up: Dec 28, 2009
Subscription Name: EmuMovies FTP Sub (Maximus Promo)
Subscription Number: S-9KW97906W68785002

Item Number: EMMAFTP

Subscription Terms:
$10.00 USD for the first year

Then $20.00 USD for each year

User Name: Hobbzey

User ID: 731

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I'm not complaining or anything, I was just wondering how long usually takes to get FTP info....

Member and Payment info below:

Subscription Details

Date of sign up: Dec 28, 2009
Subscription Name: EmuMovies FTP Sub (Maximus Promo)
Subscription Number: S-9KW97906W68785002

Item Number: EMMAFTP

Subscription Terms:
$10.00 USD for the first year

Then $20.00 USD for each year

User Name: Hobbzey

User ID: 731

Circo just called me and he has internet problems. He plans on everything being taken care of very shortly, most likely tonight if all goes well. He told me to post for him and let everybody know that he will be setting up FTP accounts as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience. If I hear anything else, I will post here.

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Guys I really need to extend my apologies to all for my recent absense from the site and some of the delays that you guys have seen. While I have been busy at work and with the holidays there has been some personal stuff that has been affecting me for quite some time now. I really don't want to go into details too much as it's not really professional to air out my personal life in these forums but I will say that I unexpectedly moved in the last three days and am just barely gaining access to the internet. I modified my cell phone and am running just above dial up speed but am hoping to have real internet hooked up in my new place sometime next week. The personal issues that I have been going through have been going on for the past year or so and just finally came to a head. Today I was finally able to pick up my computer from my old house and should have it hooked up and get to working on intros all weekend. Luckily I have some close "local" friends that I can upload the files through :D

I apologize for any inconvienience that this has caused you guys and it really isnt a good excuse, please understand that I feel pretty bad about it, but I am feeling much much worse about whats been going on with me personally. Hopefully you guys can understand and I am doing the right things to get back on my feet and move on with things. 2010 will be a fresh start for me in a lot of ways. I am still fully committed to the EmuMovies project and look forward to a big and exciting new year. I am setting up all of the FTP accounts now and for those of you that are "In the know" I really appreciate all the support and encouragement that you guys have shown as I try to get through this drama.



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