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Hard Drive, fixed!


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Just an update since I've been away for a while recently. I was tinking around my cab early last week when my kid decided she wanted to play a game. I was working in windows so it was not a big deal to hand over my mouse to the 6 year old and let her play. As soon as she clicked the game icon on the desktop, my system froze. Not worried at all, I ctrl-alt-deleted, ended the task and restarted my puter. Dun dun duhhhh.... Upon restart, my E: drive totally dissapeared. Gone. 500gb of games, movie, programs, gone. I turned off my cab and went upstairs to cry. I haven't had the heart to turn it on or open her up since to check connections or anything. I was devastated.

Until today.

Yes, my hard drive has been restored! All files intact and clean. I had sometime today and took everything apart, disconnected, reseated and reconnected everything and my E: drive has appeared once more. I am soooo relieved. I'm guessing by the fix it must have been a connection issue. Either way, I'm ecstatic.

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Just an update since I've been away for a while recently. I was tinking around my cab early last week when my kid decided she wanted to play a game. I was working in windows so it was not a big deal to hand over my mouse to the 6 year old and let her play. As soon as she clicked the game icon on the desktop, my system froze. Not worried at all, I ctrl-alt-deleted, ended the task and restarted my puter. Dun dun duhhhh.... Upon restart, my E: drive totally dissapeared. Gone. 500gb of games, movie, programs, gone. I turned off my cab and went upstairs to cry. I haven't had the heart to turn it on or open her up since to check connections or anything. I was devastated.

Until today.

Yes, my hard drive has been restored! All files intact and clean. I had sometime today and took everything apart, disconnected, reseated and reconnected everything and my E: drive has appeared once more. I am soooo relieved. I'm guessing by the fix it must have been a connection issue. Either way, I'm ecstatic.

There is nothing scarier, i have two local back ups and 2 online ones. I have lost everything before, never again

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that is great news! Just be sure to back everything up to a different drive, you may not be so lucky next time. And it sounds like your drive could be failing.

I thought the same thing but the drive is only a year old. It better not. :)

There is nothing scarier, i have two local back ups and 2 online ones. I have lost everything before, never again

Oh and I did back everything up. Don't want to loose anything again like that.

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your drive is probably fine, but I have worked in the computer repair field, and have seen MANY drives fail before the 1 year mark. Hard drives are Very delicate, and do not like heat. I set up a surveillance system one time, and had 4 drives stacked tight in a bay. The machine ran 24/7 and I was having a hard drive failure almost every month or so. After about 5-6 failed drives I decided to consolidate them into 1 large drive and 1 external. The system has been functioning now for over almost 2 years with no failures. I am sure the heat builup was killing them.

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