Files From Subcategories
3DS 3D Box
By 32assassin
not much to say other than this are 3D box artwork built from official 3DS arwork.
3DS USA Retail Carts
By 32assassin
carts made from USA retail scans for the Nintendo 3ds
I only have USA tittles in my list. this is considered a completed project as I don't plan to collect PAL, JAP or other exclusive tittles for other regions.
if someone likes to take on the task of collecting high quality artwork for the mentioned regions I will be happy to make the carts.
I'm missing two USA tittles. but those are bundles. If I find them I will add them but I don't plan to go out of may way to find them.
Atooi Collection (USA)
DreamWorks Madagascar 3 & The Croods Combo Pack (USA)
NDS custom Carts
By 32assassin
this are custom carts, not a single official cart was added.
I took the box, cropped it and made custom carts. The template is included in the download.
I know their is an official cart released. But those are PAL, JAP and other scans labeled as US files. I deleted
the duplicate and mislabeled files and only ended up with 120 files.
I'm willing to make an official set, I just need labels. I included a video on how easy it is to get official artwork.
1. go to ebay
2. find a game
3. save a picture found on the listing, it does not need to be perfect. You just need a clean, focused image.
4. The perspective of the picture does not matter as the "Perspective Crop Tool" can fix that.
ABeezy's Nintendo 3DS 2.5D Box Fronts
By ABeezy1388
I am here to share another high res uniform set with all of you,
Looking what's out there for 3DS there was nothing that was uniform in both sizing and placement of the "Nintendo 3DS" banner. I wanted to make a set that was both high quality and has uniformity when scrolling through the platform of games. This set is done in a 2.5D approach like many of my other sets where carts/discs come in some type of case. This set contains every NTSC game that has been released to date. This set has a count of 418 Nintendo 3DS games. 414 + 4 of the "new Nintendo 3DS games". I have named this set using the no-intro naming scheme. When dropping these in your Launchbox build there may be a few boxes that do not autoload due to the naming differences between how Launchbox scrapes the games and what no-intro names them. Therefore you may have to manually update a few images to your liking. I would also like to say thank you to Diskmach for providing me with a set of flat 3DS covers to implement into this set! Enjoy everyone! As always if any issues are spotted please let me know!
As included as a bonus are a sub folder filled with some first party Mario games that received an alternate release red case. I believe I have added all the games I have seen with the red case but if there are more please share a link with me and I can create that as well.
gameplay snaps Nintendo 3DS Gameplay Snaps Pack
By Circo
Gameplay Snaps Pack for the Nintendo 3DS
Availability: Site, FTP & Sync
(File List) Nintendo 3DS (Gameplay Snaps)(EM 1.0).txt
video snaps SQ | Nintendo 3DS | Video Snaps Pack
By Circo
EmuMovies Official Video Snap Pack for the Nintendo 3DS
High Definition - FTP & Sync
High Quality - FTP & Sync
Standard Quality - Site, FTP & Sync
Captures & Edits By @zycron & @drewby
Final Edits & Encoding by @Circo
(File List) Nintendo 3DS (Video Snaps)(EM 1.0).txt
High Definition
(FTP & Sync)
Resolution 900x1080 Frame Rate 60 Audio Rate 192 kbit/s File Count 496 Total Size 5.12 GB High Quality
(FTP & Sync)
Resolution 480x576 Frame Rate 60 Audio Rate 192 kbit/s File Count 496 Total Size 2.71 GB Standard Quality
(Site, FTP & Sync)
Resolution 240x288 Frame Rate 30 Audio Rate 128 kbit/s File Count 496 Total Size 1.24 GB3,785 downloads
emumovies official Nintendo 3DS eShop 3D Boxes Pack (550)
By Robin55
EmuMovies Official 3D Boxes Pack for the Nintendo 3DS eShop
Availability: Site, FTP & Sync
This is a complete collection of 430 Nintendo 3DS eShop 3D Boxes. @diskmach's database is attached. There is also a separate file with some extra eShop 3D Boxes included.
Nintendo 3DS eShop.xml
Nintendo 3DS 3D boxes can be downloaded here:
emumovies official Nintendo 3DS 3D Boxes Pack (540)
By Robin55
EmuMovies Official 3D Boxes Pack for the Nintendo 3DS
Availability: Site, FTP & Sync
This is a complete set of boxes, some with spine art and some without. There are 91 boxes with spine art (all that I could find). @diskmach's Database is attached and many thanks for his help. If anyone knows where I could find more complete covers could you please post a link.
Nintendo 3DS.xml
Nintendo 3DS Clear Logos
By Invis
This is a list of clear logos for most (barring a couple Japanese exclusives) Nintendo 3DS exclusives, to my knowledge.
These are taken from LaunchBox's database, Google Images, and I made a few myself. Some of the ones I mad myself aren't super great (like Mahjong 3D and Brain Age, but I tried).
video themes Nintendo 3DS HyperSpin Video Themes (4x3) (HQ)
By Riffman81
HyperSpin Video Themes Pack for the Nintendo 3DS (4x3) (HQ)
Availability: High Definition - FTP & Sync / High Quality - Site & FTP
Thanks to the HyperSpin team for allowing EmuMovies to host these themes in video format
High Definition
(FTP, Sync)
Resolution 1440x1080 Video Count 6 Total Size 117MB Frame Rate 60 Audio 192 kbit/s High Quality
(Site, FTP, Sync)
Resolution 960x720 Video Count 6 Total Size 55MB Frame Rate 30 Audio 192 kbit/s
3DS Covers
By mccorkled
I downloaded these from and used a batch script to rename them to the proper names. Because of this, there are a handful of covers not named right and a few missing. If anyone would like to go through and rename the mismatched ones that would be wonderful. It take me a lot of time to get covers like this and I really appreciate any donations.
3DS Unified Platform Video (16x9) (HD)
By CriticalCid
Themed System Intro Video (Platform) for the Nintendo 3DS
Availabilty - Site, FTP, Sync