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Everything posted by ChaosEngine

  1. I spent most my life living in San Jose, I moved to Washington State some years back. I miss the bay area. Especially for those kinds of things, there was way more to do there than there is in rainy Washington.
  2. Hey guys, I am new to the forums as well. I have been working on a cabinet for the last couple weeks. I built the cabinet from scratch and it is getting close to finished. I ordered the X-Arcade dual sticks as my controller and it is currently in transit to my house, the cab housing is built and painted. I am using Hyperspin FE, currently working on getting all the wheel packs and game packs and videos. Also I am going through and modifying my gamelist xml, I have all duplicates taken care of, all non joystick games have been removed and now I am going through and deleting all the games I will never play, one by one. If anyone has a good game list I can start off of I would appreciate any help. I am trying to weed through 1500+ games one at a time, no fun. I am starting out with a strictly MaMe cabinet and will be adding support for other systems as I continually tweak it. I'll try to get a picture up soon of the somewhat finished cabinet. Anyways, I am glad to be here, nice to meet you all and I just have to say amazing work Circo, I cant believe what a huge and complete catalog of game vids you have!
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