Hello, everyone! I'm Josh from Kentucky. Graphic designer by day, wannabe comic artist by night. I've always loved Mame and console emulation and have wanted to build my own cabinet for years. I managed to get a mostly intact MK cab for free (with a Street Fighter 2 control panel...weird) and finally got my buttons and sticks a few weeks back. One CRT, old PC, and ipac later and im up and running! Currently using Maximus Arcade (runs well, love it, but lack of future updates sucks!) and may try Hyperspin (saw it running in videos and on a Mame cab at Kart Kountry near Lousiville, KY). Plan on building my own cab in the next year or two (created and dimensioned the plans myself a few years ago, based on Neon Mame). Just wanted to have an existing cab to see how the pieces were assembled in case my plans need tweaking. It might look great on paper, but may require reworking in Meatspace. When that happens, I may turn the MK cab into a dedicated MK9 cabinet with an Xbox inside. Finally decided to join the forum and plan on becoming a supporting member soon! I want to thank Circo and everyone else here for all their hard work!