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About Ashek

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  1. Both main system themes have been approved and added to HyperSync; now we just need videos. And...
  2. Alright, so I've gone ahead and created a thread over on the HyperSpin to consolodate all my progress. ...Figured a link to the WIP themes might help with jumpstarting a few videos. http://www.hyperspin...ps-CD-i-Central
  3. I've never posted here before so let me start by saying hello and thanks for all the awesome videos. I'm currently working on a couple themes for the CD-i over on the HyperSpin forums and could use some help with corresponding videos. If these are already put together a pointer would be appriciated since I can't find them anywhere. The games I have in mind are: (for now) Dimo's Quest Hotel Mario Link: The Faces of Evil Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon I'm also working on a system theme since I can't find any that have already been put together. I'm guessing an intro video would also be required. Thanks in advance for any help, I'll be sure to make the themes worth the time.
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