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Maximus Arcade

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Hello all,


I have one simple question, my videos are loading nice inside de MAME emulator for example, but  i cant start an intro video at the startup.


Ive enable the option "startup movie active" and ive choose a video from my "snap videos" that are for sure working, because they load on the emulator when i choose the game... But nothing happens, no sounds, nothing...


Any tips!?


Wrong format of the ".avi file" ??

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It's been a long while since I've used Maximus. If I'm not mistaken, there was a separate directory where intro movies had to be placed in order for them to show in MA. Are the snaps playing in MA when your browsing your game list?

Yes my friend, the snaps are working just perfect...

A separate directory? Really?


Any more ideias?

Thanks in advanced

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Ok, I've done some checking around the MA setup and here is what you need to do to get your intro movie working inside MA:


First you'll need to go to preferances>options>startup movie>movie location

Set your intro video location.

Check box>startup movie active

I usually put a separate folder in my MA directory named "Startup Videos" or something similar and set your startup movie path to that folder. After that, you should be good to go :)


EDIT: I believe the Maximus Arcade forums are still up on the official site. You might be able to get more answers there for future reference.

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Ok, I've done some checking around the MA setup and here is what you need to do to get your intro movie working inside MA:


First you'll need to go to preferances>options>startup movie>movie location

Set your intro video location.

Check box>startup movie active

I usually put a separate folder in my MA directory named "Startup Videos" or something similar and set your startup movie path to that folder. After that, you should be good to go :)


EDIT: I believe the Maximus Arcade forums are still up on the official site. You might be able to get more answers there for future reference.


I really appreciate you efford to help me... Maybe this can help, i have copy the configuration to another computer, and the startup video shows just fine...


I guess maybe codecs? media player?



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What your saying is the video shows fine outside of Maximus, but doesn't play inside Maximus correct? Are you sure the video file is in .avi format? What codec pack are you using?


The intro also run like a snapvideo, ive changed the video that i want to be the intro, to a name some game of MAME for example, and i can see it when i choose that game...


But doesnt work like intro video...


Ive install a lot of codecs, maybe try another version of maximus?! Im running out of options this time...



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I wouldn't suggest using another version of Maximus unless your not using the latest version. I believe the last version of Maximus Arcade was 2.10. I also don't think the codecs are an issue if your video snaps are playing. I can't think of anything else to tell you to try honestly. If the video snap your trying to set as an intro video is working when browsing your MAME games, then it should work as an intro video. Have you tried putting the video you want as an intro in a separate directory like I suggested in the previous post? I don't think the codecs are an issue as I said before, but when I was using Maximus I used the KLite Codec pack. I believe that's what was recommended. You can also try the Shark007 Codecs. Follow the links below:






Double check your settings in the Maximus Arcade setup.exe

Also be sure to uninstall any previous codec packs before installing a new one. (To make sure they don't conflict with each other) Make sure to reboot after install, then try Maximus and see if your video shows.

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I believe it should tell you somewhere in the preference.exe

I currently don't have Maximus installed anymore, I went with GameEx after support for Maximus went south. If you like Maximus Arcade for it's easy setup and configuration, then you should really take a look at GameEx. It does everything Maximus Arcade can do, with tons of custom themes to pick from, .mp4 video support and TONS more. Also, GameEx is cake to setup.




Just a suggestion :) 


oh... and there is always HyperSpin as well, and that's what I run on my arcade cab. But it's a little more difficult to set up. Nothing to complicated but not as user friendly as GameEx

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When i restart the computer, the first time that Maximus starts e can see the video startup for just a second, and then he goes off... this is so confusing...


I just cant get it... More opinions?

Best regards

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I'm at a loss as well. Sorry I can't help you more but I really don't know what the problem could be other than a setting or something being off in MA. Try setting up an account at arcade controls http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/ and post the issues you are having with Maximus Arcade there. I'm sure there are users there still using Maximus and would be able to help you more than I can, as I don't use MA anymore.


I know the forums on the Maximus site are locked... so instead, contact Maximus Arcade via the contact link on the site and see if the creator will respond and maybe help troubleshoot this issue further. When you obtained your video snaps and converted them to .avi what program did you use? EmuMovies hosts a converter right here on the site in the downloads section and that's what I would recommend using when converting your video snaps to .avi for use in the MA front-end. If all else fails, again I suggested GameEx to you. It's a free download and the support you get from the great people on the forums there is top notch. I'm a registered member there as well and could help you with GameEx related issues.

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I contacted maximus arcade directly from there website with some questions about updates and stuff, just waiting to see if I get a reply now. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Hopefully someone will get back to you. Although I can't say I've had the best of luck getting any replies from them... another reason why I abandoned the front-end all together. Awhile back there was talk of Maximus Arcade getting a much needed update but so far, nothing from them.


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This is reply I have just received from maximus arcade

Maximus Arcade is alive and well, however we can’t give any timeframe on updates I’m afraid.


The Maximus Arcade team

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Yeah, that's the exact same message I got 2 years ago from them. I'd love to see Maximus get an official update, it's been way too long and that was the front-end that got me into this hobby in the first place. Maximus had a lot of potential, and was easy to setup and get going. I was talking to someone else awhile back on another forum and he claimed to be one of the developers on MA. He said updates were coming, but had no time frame on when a new release would be made. I guess all the Maximus user's will just have to wait and see if something happens. 

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Guess we will have to wait and see and see, gameex looks promising with there new release around the corner will choose my frontend when that comes out, one day we might get a hyperspin update as well.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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