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Introducing GameEx Database Videos (MAME)


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A few months back I found myself in a brainstorming session with Tom Speirs from GameEx, and one of the ideas was to create video snaps in the same vein as our System Intro videos for Release Years, Categories and Publisher. It was decided that it was best to tackle the biggest most popular system first. So I began work on the MAME Database video set. A few short months later and we now have 572 videos for the MAME set. These videos cover all of the Release Years, Categories and Publishers listed in GameEx. This release corresponds with a new version of GameEx to support the functionality so please update your installation before downloading these videos. For a demonstration of these new database videos in action check out the YouTube link below.


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EmuMovies DSU 1.99
Last Updated Apr 01 2013 04:04 PM

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Its out. To answer your question you set the path under MAME settings in the new version. There is also version 2 of the download service utility included with GameEx (and available here too shortly) that will allow you to download the database videos.

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Nice idea, even though I'll have no use for them since I don't use GameEX. This might change in the Summer when the new GameEX version is released, we'll see :)


Ah so what will be new features? I always thought that GameEx ist the best companion for HS as it focuses more in "menu"-varability instead of artworkgasms like HS.

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