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help a noob supporting member... videos matching rom names?

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Hey everyone.  Amazing site and community here. I am a paid supporting member and have a quick question:


Most of the movies/snaps loaded perfect in my mame folder.. matched names, worked great on frontend.


but the NES / Super NES all have names that don't match any of my rom names..therefore they don't load..  I started meticulously REnaming everything to match, which works, but will take me months at this rate.


So, is there a way to batch rename? or do I need to download a particular NES/SNES rom pack that matches these movie preview names? 


FYI, I'm currently using mamewah, but am looking to switch to another frontend today.. probably maximus..  did'nt know if that played into the answer or not.




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You'll need a ROM management utility such as CLRMame Pro or ROMLister to cleanup/rename your ROM sets to match the HyperList naming convention used here at emumovies. You'll also need the correct .DAT file for the set you want to rename. I sent you a PM explaining these things in better detail as well as a few helpful links.

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  • 1 year later...

Is there a tutorial or a link to a page that explains how to do this ? 

i'm trying but i'm doing it wrong :D


EDIT: I found another topic on renaming video's to match the rom names. they are talking about FATMATCH, i'm trying it out asap.

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