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Thinking about a couple of upgrades - Input Needed



10 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Site upgrade would you like to see

    • Arcade System
    • Virtual Pet System
    • Both
    • Not Interested

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I am looking at a few upgrades for the site that may be fun, however they are an investment so I want to see if there is any real interest before I proceed. I am looking at an arcade and virtual pet system.

Arcade System

Public - Features

Internal Ajax News System

High Score Board

Latest Games Block

Popular Games Block

My Favorite Games

Per Game Highscore Board

And Many More

Admin - Features

Add, Edit, Delete, Resyndicate, Empty Categories

Add, Edit, Delete, Resyndicate Games

Virtual Pet System

Front End - Features -Pet Shop

--Buy Pet

--Buy Items

-Battle Arena

--Choose Enemy



-My Pets

--Change Pet Name

--Set As Primary Pet

--Release Pet

--Heal Pet

-My Items

--Feed Pet

--Heal Pet

Admin CP - Features -Pet Managment

--Add Pet

--Edit Pet

--Delete Pet

-Enemy Management

--Add Enemy

--Edit Enemy

--Delete Enemy

-Shop Management

--Add Item

--Edit Item

--Delete Item

-System Settings

-- Online / Offline

-- System Name

-- Point System (vPet System or iPoints System)

- System Tasks

-- XP Resynchronize

-- Enemy Reviver

-- Killed Pet Restorer



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So far it's not looking too promising, I have had a few people hit me up that they missed the token exchange but it was too buggy. If you guys would like a little extra to play with while downloading let me know.

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I like both ideas, but I may be in the minority. I like arcade games and those rpg things are really fun. IDK, we'll see how the poll pans out.

I was thinking we could make the pets creatures from different video games. Could be cool, they are not free upgrades but compared to what this site costs really just a drop in the bucket :starwars:

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That'd be awesome, I want my own character to whoop ass

Well scratch the Arcade one, they have finally released a version for IBP 3.0 for FREE that includes tournament play and high score support. As long as you have a legitimate license (which I do) there is no charge. It is in RC1 stage but it's enough to tinker with between video sessions. So now it's the virtual pet system. VG if you think it would be fun thats good enough with me, but I think we keep it private till we make some cool video game pets and toys. What do you think?

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