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Launching & Exiting from Pinball FX3 using RetroFE & Autohotkey

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Hi all,
I am trying to get Pinball FX3 to exit using the standard RetroFE method (esc key or start/back on xbox pad).
I can get tables to load using

executable = emulators\Pinball FX3\Pinball FX3.exe
arguments = -offline -applaunch 442120 -table_"%ITEM_NAME%"

but cant exit without going through many key presses.
I can get autohotkey & Pinball FX3 to load using the script below but table does not load but I can close using escape.

executable = emulators\Pinball FX3\ahk.exe
arguments = "FX3 Launcher.ahk"

executable = emulators\Pinball FX3\Pinball FX3.exe
arguments = -offline -applaunch 442120 -table_"%ITEM_NAME%" 

AHK script
;Use ALT ESC from keyboard to exit FX3.  Also use XBOX Guide Button to exit

#SingleInstance, Force
Run, "Pinball FX3.exe" -offline -applaunch 442120 -class -table_"%ITEM_NAME%""

;Wait while FX3 open and if close manually then exit script
Process, Wait, Pinball FX3.exe
Process, WaitClose, Pinball FX3.exe

esc:: ; (This is a comment:) ESC triggers the following
Send !{f4} ; Simulates the keypress alt+f4
return ; Finished

Could someone advise on where I am going wrong.

Thanks in advance

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