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Missing NDS videos


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can we please get the missing videos for the Nintendo Ds


Animal Planet - Vet Life (USA)
Army Men - Soldiers of Misfortune (USA)
de Blob 2 (USA)
Digging For Dinosaurs (USA)
Foto Showdown (USA)
I SPY Universe (USA)
iCarly - Groovy Foodie! (USA)
iCarly 2 - iJoin the Click! (USA)
Kids Learn - Music A+ Edition (USA)
Lara Croft Tomb Raider - Legend (USA)
Learning To Spell (USA)
Left Brain, Right Brain - Use Both Hands, Train Both Sides (USA)
Legend of Zelda, The - Four Swords Anniversary Edition (USA) (DSiWare)
Picture Perfect Hair Salon (USA)
Power Rangers - Samurai (USA)
Rabbids Go Home - A Comedy Adventure (USA)
System Flaw (USA)
Thrillville - Off the Rails (USA)
Tony Hawk's Motion (USA)
Toon-Doku - Sudoku with Pictures! (USA)
Top Gun (USA)
Top Spin 2 (USA)
Top Spin 3 (USA)
Up (USA)
Urbz, The - Sims in the City (USA)
USA Today Crossword Challenge (USA)
USA Today Puzzle Craze (USA)
Wedding Dash (USA)
Zubo (USA)


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I found another issue

their is over 1,500 videos that are formatted like  to have a height of 720 and a with of  480.  






but their is about 39 video  that are formatted to have a height of 480 and a with of 720.






if you have an overlay image on your theme the videos with the height of 480 screws everything up

I took the existing videos and reformatted them.  I add the updated videos to  a folder

/Submissions/__Create Directory with Username to upload content/32assassin/NDS updated


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That's because there's a bunch of DS games that are emulated horizontally by default. Otherwise the displays don't line up and it stretches their aspect ratios. They're meant to be shown from left to right. I don't like how that is either since they don't fit into the theme video borders but they're recorded that way on purpose. As you can see from your converted videos, your videos are stretched out and wrong aspect ratios.

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I agree but the " Book style" games have the screen rotated so  that you can read the text when rotate your actual DS

all  those games where played (recorded) with the emulator screen re oriented to fill the landscape screen and are not book style games.


You were right,  I just loaded the games  of the videos I rotated and they are all book style games.

I did find 28 videos in the FTP that are Book style games and they were recorded in Horizontal  mode and need to be rotated

the videos can be found here

/Submissions/__Create Directory with Username to upload content/32assassin/Book style


also noticed that Animal Boxing (USA) is upside down. it needs to be rotated 180 degrees.





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