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Content Updates-Nintendo Switch Video Snaps Updated (3,520 Videos)


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Today we dropped some new video snaps for the Nintendo Switch. The set is now at 3,520 videos covering hopefully most of what people need. There is an almost unlimited amount of games (shovelware) for this system.  I think the total is now somewhere north of 16,000 games in the library. So here is what we are asking, if you are still missing some videos for installed games or find an error, please let us know in the EmuMovies request section on the forums and we can prioritize those videos on the next round. 

Here is the list of whats available now.

[File List] EmuMovies Nintendo Switch Video Snaps (EM 0.3).txt

Videos are now available via EmuMovies Sync and on our FTP server in HD and HQ formats


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This is great. Thank you very much for all your hard work. I did notice though that this set is not quite up to par with the normal EmuMovies standard. My experience with your video sets are that they are absolutely flawless. But in this set there are many videos that are just plain trailer rips and not the usual gameplay videos. There are also alot of videos where the sound volume is much lower than normal. You can check out "Arms" for an example of the volume issue and "Princess Peach"  for an example of the trailer rip.

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8 hours ago, Asparky said:

With all the recent goings on with Nintendo, going after sites, with Roms, Emulators and Box art / Snaps, would they be looking at this?

Considered, but videos have really never been a problem so it’s probably fine

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19 hours ago, shadowblind said:

I see Abzu on the list, but when I search for it through Launchbox's scraper, it says the game wasn't found from Emumovies. Same issue with all Pokemon games, ANONYMOUS;CODE, and more. Is there anything I can do to fix that?

We are using header naming on those files.  Do you know what the launchbox naming is?  We can make duplicates that match to improve matching performance.

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