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No-Intro Screenshot Archive

Guest Ninja Rygar

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Guest Ninja Rygar

Alright, I haven't seen this mentioned ANYWHERE, so I'm gonna give it a shot here.... (if there's an unwritten rule about posting links like this, I'm sorry.)

It hasn't updated all year... but this looks like a great place for snaps/titles... which are great for GameEx users using the image lists (like myself). Not just that, but they have snaps/titles for games from other regions besides the US, so it's useful for somebody who lists a FULL rom set.

But... I actually have a few questions about this site.

Everything is named in CRC, and I don't totally know what that means. I get the Jist of it, but it still seems strange... if it's the No-Intro screenshot archive, why not have.... No intro names? But whatever, my question is, there's a program on the site, the Image renamer.

It's supposed to take a folder of images and a No-Intro DAT file, and rename all of them for you. I just can't get it to work. At all. I get a windows error everytime I give it a shot. Can anybody try this and get it to work?

Also, is it abandoned? It hasn't updated all year. Updates or not, those snaps and titles would still do me lots of good, for all the Japenese games and Unlicenced games and stuff like that... EmuMovies doesn't bother with those.

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Alright, I haven't seen this mentioned ANYWHERE, so I'm gonna give it a shot here.... (if there's an unwritten rule about posting links like this, I'm sorry.)

It hasn't updated all year... but this looks like a great place for snaps/titles... which are great for GameEx users using the image lists (like myself). Not just that, but they have snaps/titles for games from other regions besides the US, so it's useful for somebody who lists a FULL rom set.

But... I actually have a few questions about this site.

Everything is named in CRC, and I don't totally know what that means. I get the Jist of it, but it still seems strange... if it's the No-Intro screenshot archive, why not have.... No intro names? But whatever, my question is, there's a program on the site, the Image renamer.

It's supposed to take a folder of images and a No-Intro DAT file, and rename all of them for you. I just can't get it to work. At all. I get a windows error everytime I give it a shot. Can anybody try this and get it to work?

Also, is it abandoned? It hasn't updated all year. Updates or not, those snaps and titles would still do me lots of good, for all the Japenese games and Unlicenced games and stuff like that... EmuMovies doesn't bother with those.

I'll just throw this out there if anyone dows wasnt to do japanese vids we will add them to the sets. i_am_so_happy.gif

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Alright, I haven't seen this mentioned ANYWHERE, so I'm gonna give it a shot here.... (if there's an unwritten rule about posting links like this, I'm sorry.)

It hasn't updated all year... but this looks like a great place for snaps/titles... which are great for GameEx users using the image lists (like myself). Not just that, but they have snaps/titles for games from other regions besides the US, so it's useful for somebody who lists a FULL rom set.

But... I actually have a few questions about this site.

Everything is named in CRC, and I don't totally know what that means. I get the Jist of it, but it still seems strange... if it's the No-Intro screenshot archive, why not have.... No intro names? But whatever, my question is, there's a program on the site, the Image renamer.

It's supposed to take a folder of images and a No-Intro DAT file, and rename all of them for you. I just can't get it to work. At all. I get a windows error everytime I give it a shot. Can anybody try this and get it to work?

Also, is it abandoned? It hasn't updated all year. Updates or not, those snaps and titles would still do me lots of good, for all the Japenese games and Unlicenced games and stuff like that... EmuMovies doesn't bother with those.

No-Intro Screenshot Archive - it was a great project, but I think it's dead. GREAT place for DS box art

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Refresher CRC-32 naming is used because Rom CRC-32's rarely change...Rom naming on the other hand does change more often, do to spelling errors, better name translation, or simply naming convention changing altogether.

Your error with the Renamer is more than likely because he's using an XML based DAT when he needs to use the older RomCenter or ClrMamePro formats.

No-Intro still offers the old style DAT's if I recall...if not then Logiqx has a CLI tool to convert between formats.

I actually had help on this and this was the answer that was given me, hope this helps.

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