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[Resolved] Amiga Videos still not correct!

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Hi there.


Hopefully this hasn't been covered. I did a search but only found one post from last year.



Quite a few of the Amiga videos dont match the game they are supposed to be. The thread i found regarding this issue says the problem was fixed, but i have just updated all my Amiga vids via Hypersync and they are still the same.


Examples are 4DSportsBoxing_v1.1_0421, 4DSportsDriving&MasterTracks_v1.0_1461.


These two in particular appear to have the previous game in the list's video.


Any news on when or if this will be sorted.



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why would that have problems Circo? Unless you have some files with wrong names running the batch again would be the best solution, because finding the wrong videos in over 2000 games (where quite a few I doubt we won't even know they have the wrong video by just looking at it) will surely leave a bunch incorrect.



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Its not that, the masters are perfect but I im starting to realize that doing a full conversion of 2000 at once seems to cause a few errors.  I would rather not have to reencode the whole batch if its just a few videos.

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Problem imo will be detecting the wrong videos Circo, I doubt anyone will be able to recognize that a game has a wrong video for over 2000 Amiga games just by looking at them.

I'm a huge Amiga fan and I'm pretty sure I would miss some :)


sniffmyface said he is doing a list so I guess I can post what he has already so you can have an idea of how many wrong videos there might be.


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I just grabbed some via hypersync and the ftp with the names incorrect on both 240p and 480p sets. I'm in the same point which I wouldn't be able to tell which is wrong, are we sure it is only filenames that were swapped or is there a chance certain movies are missing?

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Some more wrong videos are 688AttackSub, 7Colors and Aaargh, 5thgear

on the FTP, both 240 and 480 are bad, but the direct downloads http://emumovies.com/forums/index.php/files/file/961-amiga-video-snaps-l-240p/ are still correct


30010 oconnors =>  

3dgalax =>

3dpool =>

4dsportsboxing =>

4ddriving => 4th & inches

which seems to be missing (no correct name)


5th gear = 688attacksub

=>  7colors

=> 9lives

=> a10 tank killer

=> a10 tank killer v2_ I think the one with 3 in the name. The only difference is the title screen (last frames)

=> A10TankKiller_v2.0_3Disk


=> Barbarian_v1.1b_Psygnosis_1011


=>bar games

which seems to be missing (no correct name)



bargon => bartvsworld

=>base jumpers


bat2 is okay


Is a start. There are others, too. I think

I didn't find any others until CaveMania_v1.1_2220


so, the only missing videos so far are

30010 oconnors 


the correct name of 4thandinches

the correct name of bargames




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and finally, here's the list of games without videos yet

That is all





A-Train Construction Set (ATrain&ConstructionSet_v1.0_1010&1469)
ATF II - Advanced Tactical Fighter II (ATF2_v1.1a_2396)
Battlestorm (Battlestorm_v1.2_2008)
Biplane Duel 2 - Salmon-Pink Max (SalmonPinkMax_v1.0)
Calephar (Calephar_v1.0_Files)
Castle Master (CastleMaster_v1.10)
Chronicles of Omega, The (ChroniclesOfOmega_v1.0)
Chrono Quest (ChronoQuest_v1.4_1016)
Chrono Quest II (ChronoQuest2_v1.1_0449)
Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer 2.0 (ChuckYeagersAdvancedFlightTrainer2_v1.0_0670)
Citadel (Citadel_v1.1)
Cyber Empires (CyberEmpires_v1.1)
Damage Preview (DamagePreview_v1.0)
Dawn Patrol (DawnPatrol_v1.0_1614)
Death Bringer (DeathBringer_v1.0_Spotlight_0316)
Death Trap (DeathTrap_v1.0_1021)
Deep, The (Deep_v1.0)
Discovery (Discovery_v1.0_2175)
Dragons Breath (DragonsBreath_v1.5_0072)
DragonScape (DragonScape_v1.1)
Dungeon Master II - The Legend of Skullkeep (DungeonMaster2_v1.0_AGA_0899)
Enforcer (Enforcer_v1.1)
F-19 Stealth Fighter (F19StealthFighter_v2.0_0117)
F-29 Retaliator (F29Retaliator_v1.1_0022)
F.O.F.T. - Federation of Free Traders (FederationOfFreeTraders_v1.1)
Falcon & Mission Disks - Volume 2 - Operation Firefight (Falcon&MissionDisks_v1.1_1754&1205&0269)
Fast Food Dizzy Collection (FastFood_v1.00_DizzyCollection)
Fetiche Maya, Le (Maya_v1.2_1742)
Four Crystals of Trazere, The (FourCrystalsOfTrazere_v1.2)
Galdregon's Domain (GaldregonsDomain_v1.1)
Genesia (Genesia_v1.4_1808)
Grand Monster Slam (GrandMonsterSlam_v1.3)
Greg Norman's Ultimate Golf - Shark Attack (UltimateGolf_v1.0)
Guy Spy and the Crystals of Armageddon (GuySpy_v1.0_)
Hacker (Hacker_v1.0_0906)
Halley Project, The - A Mission in Our Solar System (HalleyProject_v1.0_2519)
Harpoon Battleset 1 - Greenland Iceland UK Gap (Harpoon&Battleset1_v1.0)
Harpoon Battleset 2 - North Atlantic Convoys (Harpoon&Battleset2_v1.0_1033)
Harpoon Battleset 3 - The Mediterranean Conflict (Harpoon&Battleset3_v1.0_1788)
Harpoon Battleset 4 - The Indian Ocean / Persia Gulf (Harpoon&Battleset4_v1.0)
Heart of the Dragon (HeartOfTheDragon_v1.1_4Disk_2267)
Heavy Metal Heroes (HeavyMetalHeroes_v1.0)
Hellrun Machine, The (HellrunMachine_v1.0)
HeroQuest - Return of the Witch Lord (HeroQuest&ReturnOfTheWitchLord_v1.2_0127&0508)
HeroQuest II - Legacy of Sorasil (HeroQuest2_v1.0_1455)
Highway Patrol II (HighwayPatrol2_v1.1_2305)
Hillsfar (Hillsfar_v1.0)
Hilt II (Hilt2_v1.0)
Human Killing Machine (HumanKillingMachine_v1.0)
Hunt For Red October (HuntForRedOctober_v1.0_0128)
Hunt For Red October II - The Movie (HuntForRedOctoberTheMovie_v1.1_2232)
Ian Botham's Cricket (IanBothamsCricket_v1.0)
Imperium (Imperium_v1.1_0341)
Infestation (Infestation_v1.0_0494)
Intact (Intact_v1.0_15MB)
International Soccer (InternationalSoccer_v1.0_2429)
Interphase (Interphase_v1.9_0067)
Invasion (Invasion_v1.0)
Iron Trackers (IronTrackers_v1.0_2740)
Ishar - Legend of the Fortress (Ishar_v1.3_AGA)
Ishar 2 - Messengers of Doom (Ishar2_v1.3a_AGA_0787)
ISS - Incredible Shrinking Sphere (ISS_v1.0_0287)
Kick Off 2 + World Cup 90 (KickOff2PlusWorldCup90_v1.02_0168)
Kick Off 2 Final Whistle (KickOff2FinalWhistle_v1.01_0166)
Kick Off 2 Final Whistle - Competition Version (KickOff2FinalWhistleCompetitionVersion_v1.01)
Kick Off 2 Return To Europe (KickOff2ReturnToEurope_v1.0_0169)
King's Table - The Legend of Ragnarok (LegendOfRagnarok_v1.0)
Kingmaker - The Quest for the Crown (KingmakerQuestForTheCrown_v1.0_1616)
Kristal, The (Kristal_v1.2_0024)
Lancelot (Lancelot_v1.0_0216)
Last Duel - Inter Planet War 2012 (LastDuel_v1.0_2532)
Legend of Faerghail (LegendOfFaerghail_v2.0b_2844)
Legends of Valour (LegendsOfValour_v1.0_0837)
Lethal Zone (LethalZone_v1.0_2321)
Limes & Napoleon (Limes&Napoleon_v1.0)
Line of Fire (LineOfFire_v1.0_1394)
Live and Let Die - The Computer Game (Live&LetDie&SpaceHarrier_v1.0_2517)
Livingstone II (Livingstone2_v1.0)
Lords of Chaos (LordsOfChaos_v1.0_1568)
M.U.D.S. - Mean Ugly Dirty Sport (MUDS_v1.3)
M1 Tank Platoon (M1TankPlatoon_v1.0_0531)
Mad Show (MadShow_v1.0)
Magic Fly (MagicFly_v1.0_1MB)
Magnatron (Magnatron_v1.2)
Man from the Council, The (ManFromTheCouncil_v1.0_2599)
Manhattan Dealers (ManhattenDealers_v1.1a)
Manhunter - New York (Manhunter_v1.0_0354)
Manhunter 2 - San Francisco (Manhunter2_v1.0_1199)
MasterBlaster (MasterBlaster_v1.0)
Matrix Marauders (MatrixMarauders_v1.1_1705)
Mayday Squad (MaydaySquadHeroes_v1.0_2219)
Mercenary - Escape from Targ & The Second City (Mercenary_v1.2_0955)
Mercenary III - The Dion Crisis (Mercenary3_v1.2_0356)
Metal Mutant (MetalMutant_v1.3)
MiG-29 Soviet Fighter (Mig29SovietFighter_v1.3_0535)
Might & Magic 2 (Might&Magic2_v1.01_0990)
Missiles Over Xerion (MissilesOverXerion_v1.0)
Monty Python's Flying Circus (MontyPythonsFlyingCircus_v1.3_0273)
Moochies (Moochies_v1.0)
Moonfall (Moonfall_v1.0)
Mot (MOT_v1.0)
Motorbike Madness (MotorbikeMadness_v1.0_2350)
Multi Player Soccer Manager (MultiPlayerSoccerManager_v1.0)
Murders in Space (MurdersInSpace_v1.0_2344)
Myth (Myth_v1.0)
Never Mind (NeverMind_v1.0_1507)
Nick Faldo's Championship Golf (NickFaldosChampionshipGolf_v2.1b_1164)
Nigel Mansell's Grand Prix (NigelMansellsGrandPrix_v1.1_1102)
Nippon Safes Inc. (NipponSafesInc_v1.01b_1050)
Nitro Boost Challenge (NitroBoostChallenge_v1.0)
No Excuses (NoExcuses_v0801.1_2456)
Odyssey (Odyssey_v1.2_0195)
Off Shore Warrior (OffShoreWarrior_v1.0)
Ogre (Ogre_v1.0_1386)
Oktagon (Oktagon_v1.0)
Omega (Omega_v1.0_0373)
Operation - Cleanstreets (OperationCleanstreets_v1.1a)
Operation Combat II - By Land, Sea & Air (OperationCombat2_v1.0_1665)
Overdrive (Infacto) (Overdrive_v1.0_Infacto)
Pawn, The (Pawn_v1.0_0709)
Phantasie (Phantasie_v1.0_1185)
Pipe Dream (PipeDream_v1.0)
Plan 9 From Outer Space (Plan9FromOuterSpace_v1.2a)
Police Quest 2 (PoliceQuest2_v1.0_1849)
Populous (Populous_v1.1_0069)
Populous II - Trials of the Olympian Gods (Populous2_v1.3_0079)
Populous World Editor (PopulousWorldEditor_v1.0_0711)
Powerdrome (Powerdrome_v1.0_0140)
PowerMonger - World War 1 Edition (PowermongerWW1Edition_v1.0_0614)
Powerplay - The Game of the Gods (Powerplay_v1.0_0856)
Pro Boxing Simulator (ProBoxingSimulator_v1.1_1663)
Prospector - In the Mazes of Xor (ProspectorInTheMazesOfXor_v1.0_1465)
Psyborg (Psyborg_v1.0_0561)
Purple Saturn Day (PurpleSaturnDay_v1.1_0562)
R.B.I. Two Baseball (RBI2Baseball_v1.2_2116)
Racter (Racter_v1.0)
Rage CAD (Rage_v1.1_CAD)
Rage V2 (RageV2_v1.0)
RanX (RanX_v1.4)
Realms (Realms_v1.3_1497)
Realms of Arkania - Blade of Destiny (RealmsOfArkania_v1.2_0616)
Red Lightning (RedLightning_v1.0)
Resolution 101 (Resolution101_v1.0)
Return To Atlantis (ReturnToAtlantis_v1.0_0717)
Return to Genesis (ReturnToGenesis_v1.0)
Reunion (Reunion_v1.0_AGA)
Rings of Medusa (RingsOfMedusa_v1.1_2827)
Rise of the Dragon (RiseOfTheDragon_v1.1_1793)
Robinson's Requiem (RobinsonsRequiem_v1.1_AGA_1866)
Robo Sport (RoboSport_v1.0_2592)
Rogue Trooper (RogueTrooper_v1.0)
Rome AD92 - The Pathway to Power (RomeAD92_v1.2_0780)
Rugby - The World Cup (RugbyTheWorldCup_v1.1_0258)
S.D.I. (SDI_v1.0_Cinemaware_1266)
S.T.U.N. Runner (STUNRunner_v1.0)
Savage - Parts 2 & 3 (Savage_v1.0_0028)
Scramble Spirits (ScrambleSpirits_v1.0_1955)
Sensible Soccer 92/93 (SensibleSoccer9293_v1.1_2391)
Seven Cities of Gold (SevenCitiesOfGold_v1.1_0908)
Shadow Warriors (ShadowWarriors_v1.1_0830)
Shadoworlds (Shadoworlds_v1.0_0030)
Shaq-Fu (ShaqFu_v1.1_AGA_1761)
She-Fox (SheFox_v1.2_0383)
Sherman M4 (ShermanM4_v1.1)
Shuttle - The Space Flight Simulator (Shuttle_v0.9_1906)
Silent Service II (SilentService2_v2.1b_0949)
Simpsons, The - Bart vs. The Space Mutants (BartVsTheSpaceMutants_v1.1_2Disk_0884)
Sinbad and the Throne of the Falcon (Sinbad_v1.2_0083)
SkyChase (SkyChase_v1.2_2610)
Sliders (Sliders_v1.1)
Soldier 2000 (Soldier2000_v1.2)
Sorceror's Apprentice (SorcerorsApprentice_v1.0)
Sorcery + (Sorcery+_v1.01_1562)
Space Crusade (SpaceCrusade_v2.2_1535)
Space Crusade - The Voyage Beyond (SpaceCrusade&TheVoyageBeyond_v2.2_1535)
Space Harrier - Return to the Fantasy Zone (SpaceHarrier&ReturnToTheFantasyZone_v1.2)
Space Hulk (SpaceHulk_v1.0_1279)
Space Rogue (SpaceRogue_v1.1_2069)
Space Station (SpaceStation_v1.0_1615)
Spaceball (Spaceball_v1.1_2675)
Spacecutter (Spacecutter_v1.0_1408)
SpaceQuest Enhanced (SpaceQuestEnhanced_v1.2_2222)
Special Forces (SpecialForces_v1.0_0728)
Speedboat Assassins (SpeedboatAssassins_v1.0_1664)
Speris Legacy, The (SperisLegacy_v1.1_AGA_1337)
Star Command (StarCommand_v1.0_0989)
Star Trek - 25th Anniversary (StarTrek25thAnniversary_v1.0_AGA_1466)
Star-blaze (Starblaze_v1.0_0731)
Starlord (Starlord_v1.1_1878)
Stellar 7 (Stellar7_v1.0_2026)
Sub Battle Simulator (SubBattleSimulator_v1.0_1458)
Subbuteo - The Computer Game (Subbuteo_v1.0)
Subtrade - Return to Irata (Subtrade_v1.0)
Suburban Commando (SuburbanCommando_v1.1_0959)
Subwar 2050 (Subwar2050_v1.2_AGA_0146)
Summer Challenge (SummerChallenge_v1.1)
Super Scramble Simulator (SuperScrambleSimulator_v1.1)
Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo (SuperStreetFighter2Turbo_v1.1_AGA_0735)
Supremacy - Your Will Be Done (Supremacy_v1.1_1384)
Taekwondo (Taekwondo_v1.0)
Teller, The (Teller_v1.1)
Their Finest Hour - Battle Of Britain & Finest Missions Vol 1 (TheirFinestHour&Missions_v1.1_0037&1369)
Thomas the Tank Engine's Pinball (ThomasTheTankEnginePinball_v1.2_AGA)
ThunderHawk AH-73M (ThunderHawkAH73M_v2.0_0039)
Time Bandit (TimeBandit_v1.0)
Time Race (TimeRace_v1.0_2420)
Tin Toy Adventure in the House of Fun (TinToyAdventure_v1.0_AGA)
Tip Off (TipOff_v1.0_1551)
Tornado (Tornado_v1.1_AGA)
Total Eclipse (TotalEclipse_v1.0_1973)
Tower of Babel (TowerOfBabel_v0401.1_1056)
Tower of Souls (TowerOfSouls_v1.0_AGA_2212)
Toyota Celica GT Rally (ToyotaCelicaGTRally_v1.1_1766)
Treasures Of The Savage Frontier (TreasuresOfTheSavageFrontier_v1.0_0992)
Troddlers (Troddlers_v1.0_0696)
Typhoon (Typhoon_v1.0_1361)
Ultima III - Exodus (Ultima3_v1.1)
Ultima IV - Quest of the Avatar (Ultima4_v1.0_1390)
Ultima V (Ultima5_v1.2_0785)
Uninvited (Uninvited_v1.0)
Unsensible Soccer (UnsensibleSoccer_v1.0)
Utopia - The Creation of a Nation (Utopia_1.2_0757)
Utopia - The New Worlds (Utopia&NewWorlds_1.2_0757&2576)
Valhalla - Before the War (ValhallaBeforeTheWar_v1.1_0756)
Vampire's Empire (VampiresEmpire_v1.0)
Virtual Karting II (VirtualKarting2_v1.0_AGA)
War in Middle Earth (WarInMiddleEarth_v1.0_0968)
War In The Gulf (WarInTheGulf_v1.0_1106)
War Machine (WarMachine_v1.01)
Warlock the Avenger (WarlockTheAvenger_v1.00_1413)
Warlords (Warlords_v1.0_0789)
Waterloo (Waterloo_v1.1_1938)
Winter Olympics (WinterOlympics_v1.0_1127)
X-It (XIt_v1.1_1585)
XR 35 Fighter Mission (XR35_v1.1_0034)
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for sega mega drive/genesis:

Whacky Worlds has the video from wardner


also the complete list of wrong amiga videos is:

30010 oconnors 
5th gear 
a10 tank killer
base jumpers
Dimos Quest
Dinosaur Detective Agency



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I think doing 2000 video batch just has problems, give me a list and I will fix them

30010 oconnors 
5th gear 
a10 tank killer
base jumpers
Dimos Quest
Dinosaur Detective Agency
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Yes, I am sure.

I looked at all the videos and when I wasn't 100% sure from the title, I looked at the end of the video to see the game's title. And in the case of MentalImage, I even checked the games. I also double checked the cricket games, since they all looked the same to me and I am certain now: all cricket games look the same ^^


edit: I didn't check the titles at the end of the videos that looked correct to me. Like if the title said blaster and the video showed people blasting stuff, I considered it correct, especially if the video after that was't weird as well. I always checked the last-frames-title of games with a weird title.


Also, it was always a row of games that had the video of its successor. I just deleted the last video of those queues and renamed the others. So I mostly have a correct list already ^^

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Umm this is strange, I just checked all my videos from the list you posted and all of the are fine (gameplay and title).

I always updated from the FTP and never used HyperSync.

My set is before the re-encode from this year I think so things went south at that point by the looks of it.


horsey did you only make videos missing from blazer's set or do your sets actually overlap on some games?


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