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3DS USA Retail Carts


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3DS USA Retail Carts

 carts made from USA retail scans for the Nintendo 3ds

I only have USA tittles in my  list.  this is considered a completed project as I don't plan to collect PAL, JAP or other exclusive tittles for other regions.

if someone likes to take on the task of collecting high quality artwork for the mentioned regions I will be happy to make the carts.


I'm missing two USA tittles. but those are bundles.  If I find them I will add them but I don't plan to go out of may way to find them.

Atooi Collection (USA)

DreamWorks Madagascar 3 & The Croods Combo Pack (USA)

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    267 x259
  • Naming
  • EmuMovies Sync
  • FTP Folder


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