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visual pinball video snaps how to rotate

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how do you rotate and save the visual pinball video files??? 


i have then for landscape mode but i use normal lcd screen and need then facing the right way... but i dont want to do one at a time is there a program to do it all at once?

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im using visual pinball 9.15 and vp launcher as the front end with maximus arcade .... when i downloaded my limit today i clicked on a few of them they are all vertical like they would be in a dedicated machine.. since i use m ame i have a arcade that i can do both on..    it should come out regular if it shows in maximus ?


thanks for your help its been a pain to get everything working and i was like oh no there sideways lol

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These are formatted for PinCabs and the HyperPin and PinballX Front Ends.   Are you using a pincab?  We have vids for the desktop 4:3 16:9 views as well.  


If you wanted to rotate them you would have to use a video editor but there would probably be a drop in quality.

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