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HyperSpin MP4 Settings

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I'm attempting to create custom MP4's for HyperSpin using the Blender Video Sequence Editor. I'm choosing MPEG MP4 video with AAC audio with 640x480 and I can play the rendered file with VLC, but not HyperSpin doesn't display the video. Is there a setting I'm missing or is it just not possible to use Blender for this?


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Yes, the EmuMovies MP4's work fine. I just want to add some of my own for games that are missing. What do people normally use to create their own? I am only using Blender since I'm comfortable in it.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

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Our submission guide ;)

Other than that there are a million different editors. But if your making a bunch of vids we don't have you can become a content contributor which includes lifetime free access and a few other perks.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Sort of an old post but I'm attempting the same thing. None of my mp4s play. I've checked the names and even tried the poorest quality conversion from avi to mp4. Could you post a link to the submission guide? Thanks in advance for any help or direction

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