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Video Snap Request "Mega Man: The Sequel Wars - Episode Red" (Genesis Homebrew)


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Hi there, and thanks for reading. I was wondering if someone here with the know-how could create a video snap for Mega Man: The Sequel Wars, specifically the currently released Episode Red, which is a homebrew remake of Mega Man 4 for the Sega Genesis in the same vein as Mega Man: The Wily Wars.

I imagine the homebrew/rom hacking community for the genesis is a bit smaller than its Nintendo counterpart, but this is such a cool and high quality project that I felt I should at least bring it up on the forum in case someone was interested in making a video snap for it. Here are some relevant links & a YouTube longplay of the project if that helps at all. Thanks!

Official Website: https://woodfrog.itch.io/mega-man-the-sequel-wars-episode-red
Launchbox GamesDB Page: https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/images/369067-mega-man-the-sequel-wars-episode-red
YouTube Longplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPf7J25t57A

Unrelated sidenote, but also wanted to mention that Onimusha 3 is the only Onimusha game without a video snap on PS2, so if anyone has a video snap for that, I'd very much appreciate that as well 🙏


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